(Morning News) The network system of the Ukraine Ministry of Defense and the two banks was attacked by a distributed rejection service (DDOS).Although the Ukrainian authorities did not directly name Russia, it implied this possibility.

Reuters reported that the strategic communication and information security center of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine said on Tuesday (February 15) that the hacker drowned the Ministry of Defense and Ukraine's largest bank PRIVATBANK and the state savings with unusual data traffic that dayThe bank's OSHADBANK network has caused their online services to paralyze.

The center stated, "It does not rule out that the invaders do not work because their large -scale aggression plans are not effective, they will use these dirty little tricks."

Privatbank's payment services and a oneBank applications cannot operate, and OSHADBANK indicates that the system operation is slow.

Before Ukraine was attacked by a hacker, Moscow just announced that part of the exercise near the Ukraine border had begun to return to the station.

The US White House press secretary Puski said on the same day that the United States already knew that Ukraine was attacked by a distributed refusal service and was assisting Kiev to investigate the matter and solve the problem.

In addition, US President Biden and French President Macron called on Tuesday.

The White House said that Biden and Macron firmly supported the resolution of the Ukrainian crisis with diplomatic channels, but the two also prepared for the "strong response" for Russia's assembly.