Chinese Rocket Experts said that in order to meet the development of the Chinese aerospace plan, a 100 -ton heavy -duty carrier rocket will be developed next.

According to CCTV news reports, Luan Enjie, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the former director of the National Space Administration, said that China will develop a 100 -ton heavy -duty carrier rocket in the future to meet the needs of more far space.

At present, the rocket with the strongest carrier capacity in China is the Long March 5, and its near -ground orbital carrier capacity can reach 25 tons.In order to meet the needs of future deep space detection and lunar exploration projects, the Rockets' ability should be stronger.This is not a simple 1+1 = 2 for the Rockets, but a new carrier.

Luan Enjie revealed that the demonstration phase of the 100 -ton rocket was basically completed and entered the follow -up stage of the project.He introduced that the relevant authorities are deploying work and strive to start a heavy rocket research during the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" (14th Five -Year Plan).

He bluntly said: "In fact, in simple terms, such a load that reaches 100 tons of land can go to the moon."