(Bloomberg, London) The tight situation in Ukraine has led to the rising price of raw materials that are indispensable for the global economy, making governments that were already in difficulty in responding to prices.

Russia gathered the army on the border between Russia and Ukraine. The United States warned that Russia may attack Ukraine this week.If there is a conflict, energy and food prices will further rise, causing Europe to fall into a serious crisis of raw material supply.

Crude oil prices are approaching $ 100 per barrel, and the price of natural gas in Europe has soared.Aluminum has also moved towards the highest price, and the price of 钯 and wheat continues to rise.

Analysts of Bloomberg Industry Research recently pointed out in the report that this crisis "may produce a butterfly effect. With the problem of supply, the price of commodity prices will rise ... sanctions may lead to foodThe shortage of energy and energy has prompted the price of both. "

The natural gas transported by Russia to Europe is about one -third of the way through Ukraine, and the outbreak of comprehensive conflict may interrupt the supply.The implementation of sanctions on Russia may affect trade, and at the same time, the completion of Beixi No. 2 natural gas pipelines that have been laid have been delayed into operation.

The price of natural gas in Europe has risen nearly four times in the past year. If the price has soared further, the European economy will be in trouble.

In terms of oil supply, in view of less idle production capacity in other countries, once Russia interrupted oil, oil prices will definitely rise.Morgan Chase analysts even speculated that the price of oil may rise to $ 150 per barrel. If it really reaches the price, the global economy will be severely hit.

Food -related commodity prices are currently the highest in 10 years.Ukraine and Russia are heavyweight suppliers in global wheat, corn and sunflower oil trade. If the supply is interrupted, buyers such as Asia, Africa, the Middle East will face the price of bread and meat.

Among the three major types of fertilizers in the world, each Russia is one of the largest exporters.Once the supply is reduced, the price of chemical fertilizer that was originally at a high level may soar, which will affect crop yield and exacerbate food inflation.

Russia also exports metals such as aluminum, nickel, pupae, steel and other metals.Analysts pointed out that if Western countries directly sanction Russian manufacturers, they are tantamount to moving stones to smash their feet.