(Washington / Tokyo News) The American think tank analysis satellite photos pointed out that the Chinese military is likely to set up at least 16 newly considered launch facilities considered to be intercontinental ballistic missiles in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.Expert analysis said that this is the intention of improving the ability to counterattack in the United States.

According to Kyodo News, Hans Kristensen, an expert in the US Think Tank's "American Scientist Federation", analyzed the satellite photos since 2016, and believed thatThe military exercise field has been divided into three phases, and at least 16 intercontinental ballistic missile launch facilities are constructed. 11 of which start to start in the second half of last year, and will be completed within one year, and the remaining part will be completed within several years.

China had a launching facility with 18 to 20 intercontinental ballistic missiles before. If the new part is completed, the total number will be almost doubled.

Satellite pictures show that the facilities everywhere are maintained to be constructed by more than 2.2 kilometers, respectively, Christensen pointed out that this "may be to prevent multiple places in a nuclear attack at the same time."

Kristensen analysis, compared to the original use of liquid fuel missiles, new facilities are suitable for solid fuel missiles that can be launched faster, and it is likely to include a new "Dongfeng -41" missile that can carry multiple warheads.