Asian Foreign Minister and the Myanmar military representatives held a video conference to pressure the Burmese military.The Indonesian Foreign Minister asked Myanmar to release the detained political prisoners and restore democracy. The Philippine Foreign Minister also urged Myanmar to "fully restore the situation to the situation before the coup."

(Jakarta / Yangon Composite Electric) A member states of Yaiman put pressure on the Burmese military government yesterday (March 2) to release them from Weng Shan Shuzhi, the leader of the original elected government, stop using fatal force against anti -government demonstrators, and as well as the demonstrators, and as well as the demonstrators, and as well as the demonstrators, and as well as the demonstrators, and as well as the demonstrators, and as well as the demonstrators, as well as the demonstrators, and the demonstrators, as well as the demonstrators, and the demonstrators, as well as the demonstrators, and the demonstrators, as well as the demonstrators, and the demonstrators, and as well as the demonstrators, and the demonstrators, and as well as the anti -political demonstrator, andCooperate with Asianan to resolve this crisis.

The Foreign Minister of Asians was a bloody demonstration of anti -political changes on the bloodyness of Anti -Politics on Sunday, which led to a video conference with a representative of the Myanmar military after at least 18 demonstrators.

Indonesian Foreign Minister Reitino urged Myanmar to "open the portal" to Asia's Danian after the meeting, in order to solve the problem of upgrading the tension after the military coup.When answering reporters in Jakarta, she also called on the Burmese Army to release the detained political prisoners to restore democracy, but she also guarantees that the Asian safe country will not violate the commitment of non -interfering in the internal affairs of neighboring countries.

Reterno said: "It is necessary to find the way to restore democracy. Indonesia emphasizes that the wishes, interests and sounds of the Myanmar people must respect."

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Malaysian Foreign Minister Hishan Mu Ding also called for the immediately release Wengshan Shuzhi and other detainees, saying that if the situation worsen, it will affect regional peace, stability and prosperity.Malaysia proposed that the Asianan set up an election expert group to provide "democratic support" for Myanmar, and handled the military's charges of fraud in the November election last year.

The Philippine Foreign Minister Luo Qin urged Myanmar to "completely restore the situation to the situation before the coup."

Myanmar's bloody demonstrators have attracted the attention of western countries.Germany and Italy summoned the local Burmese ambassador to ask the Burmese army to stop violent targeting.

U.S. State Council spokesman Price warned that if the Myanmar security forces kill more non -incoming civilians and attackers and activists, the United States will take further action against the Burmese army.

Myanmar demonstrator continued to fight on the street yesterday.In many places in Yangon, the largest city, demonstrators wearing helmets, holding simple homemade shields, standing behind the barrier and shouting anti -government slogans.Police fired flash bombs to dispel the crowd at four locations.

The citizens of Yangon also attended a funeral yesterday. The deceased was a 23 -year -old student. He killed his blood in the bloody conflict last Sunday.While the funeral sang revolutionary songs, he paid tribute to the deceased while ereaking.

Yangon did not report the news that the demonstrators were injured yesterday, but the military and police in the Ji Ling Temple in the northwest city opened fire to the demonstrators, causing about 20 people to be injured. Among them, the three of them were hit by the actual bounce, and the injury was critical.It is understood that the three of them were bouncing in the chest, abdomen and thighs.

A medical staff at the demonstration site said the police first used the rubber bullet and tear bullets to disperse the demonstrators and later switched to the real bombs.A teacher was dissatisfied with the violence of the police, "their behavior is like in the theater. I am angry and sad."