U.S. experts point out that the Chinese military is likely to set up at least 16 new places in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.Hans Kristensen, an expert in the "American Scientist Federation", who analyzes satellite photos and summarizes the papers, pointed out that "enhanced facilities have the intention to improve the ability to counterattack in the United States."

According to Kyodo News, Christensen revealed that after 2016, the military exercise field in the desert area near Jilantai, Inner Mongolia was built at least 16 launch facilities in three phases after 2016, of which 11 started in the second half of last year.China had previous launch facilities from 18 to 20.According to analysis, one of them will be completed within one year and the remaining parts within a few years.

The facilities everywhere are maintained to be constructed by more than 2.2 kilometers, respectively, Christensen pointed out that "maybe to prevent multiple places in a nuclear attack at the same time."It is said that two tunnels of about 350 meters have been excavated nearby. From the perspective of location and shape, the purpose may be to prevent mobile launch devices and missiles from being discovered from above.

According to analysis, compared with the original liquid fuel missile, new facilities are suitable for solid fuel missiles that can be launched faster.It is smaller than the ICBM "Dongfeng 5" type, and it is likely to imagine solid fuel missiles including the new multi -warhead ICBM "Dongfeng 41".

Christensen analyzed: "The Chinese military may conclude that while using the early warning system to protect solid fuel ICBM is the only way to maintain the counterattack."