(Morning News) SEA LIMITED stocks fell overnight (February 14).In the first hour of the market, it plummeted 19.7 % in a straight line, and the trend was weak throughout the day. Finally, the transaction ended with a 18.4 % decline.

The weak trend of winter sea is mainly due to the Indian government banned downloading the Garena Free Fire game of Donghai.The Indian government issued the above banning order because of the security issues of the game code.Free Fire accounts for about 10 % of Donghai's revenue, so the market is nervous about the news.

After the large -scale game of Winter Sea game is prohibited from the large -scale game of Winter Sea, Donghai stocks fell 29.11 US dollars when the New York stock market closed, and the closed market newspaper was $ 129.17.The market price was less than 65 % less than the peak set on October 19 last year.However, the stock had signs of ease after the trading of the stock, slightly $ 1.83 to $ 131.00.

When the stock price of Donghai fell sharply, some people were afraid and exited, but some people entered the market to suck them.Cathie Wood, the American "female stock god" is one of them.According to the daily transaction data of the company compiled by Bloomberg, the investment fund under Casewood entered the market overnight and purchased more than 145,000 winter sea stocks.

Since the beginning of this year, Casewood's Ark Fund has been increasing the Haixi stock.Especially in this month, its purchase frequency has increased.According to the data compiled by Bloomberg, in February, her Ark Fund was buying Donghai stocks almost every day.

In response to the business of Donghai, some analysts have listed the slowdown in game revenue, slowing user growth, and the pressure of e -commerce business, etc., listed as one of the reasons for dragging the stock price of Donghai.Due to security reasons, India prohibits 54 applications, including the Free Fire of the Winter Sea, and only increases the pressure of its stock price decline.

Therefore, various banks have recently reduced the target price and rating of the stock.For example: JPMORGAN Chase (JPMORGAN Chase) has just released the target price of Winter Sea from $ 420.00 to $ 250.00 on Monday; Goldman Sachs also reduced the target price of Donghai from $ 460.00 to $ 300.00 at the end of last month;In the same month, Bank of America also reduced the target price of the Winter Sea from $ 385.00 to $ 287.00.

Although the target prices of the above -mentioned many banks have lowered the target price of Donghai, from the perspective of these target prices, the stock seems to have the potential to double the current price.