Following the pure electric vehicle and chip industry, the hydrogen fuel cell vehicle industry is frequently appearing in industrial planning roadmaps across China.According to incomplete statistics, as of the end of 2020, more than 20 cities across the country have promulgated more than 40 special policies for hydrogen energy industry.

According to China News Agency, Jing Chunmei, deputy minister and researcher of the China International Economic Exchange Center, who has long -term attention to the development of the hydrogen energy industry, said in an interview that hydrogen energy is an industry that tests the local fiscal strength.There was no sober understanding, and the development of China's hydrogen energy industry had a virtual fire.

In September 2020, the notice of the five ministries and commissions of the Ministry of Finance of China on the development of fuel cell vehicle demonstration applications was released, which once again stimulated the urge to develop the hydrogen energy industry in the local government.However, at present, the operations of hydrogenation stations and hydrogen fuel demonstration vehicles must be survived by government subsidies, and obvious subsidy dependencies have occurred.

In this regard, Jing Chunmei pointed out, "For some local governments, several demonstration vehicles can be subsidized. If they really make a scale, they need to test local financial resources." She introduced that the actual price of hydrogen is 80 per kilogram per kilogram.To 100 yuan (RMB, the same below, S $ 16.35 to 20.44), many places subsidize 40 to 50 yuan per kilogram. Finally, it is only sold at the price of 30 or 40 yuan per kilogram.The car needs to be continuously hydrogen to run, and the hydrogen is subsidized. Whether it is sustainable.

Jing Chunmei added: "How large is the local hydrogen energy industry space and how many vehicles can support it can be calculated. A place needs to be planned overall and systematically for the industry.Okay. "

Talking about the duplicate electric piles in the hydrogen energy industry in various places. Jing Chunmei said: "The gap between my country and developed countries is mainly on the core technologies and key materials of fuel cells such as electric stacks. The central and local governments have aimed at key technologies, but they lacked overall planning in general, and they felt a little bit of coaxing. The production capacity convergence and vicious competition showed. "She suggested that the scientific research of hydrogen energy should establish a national system to coordinate and coordinate.

There are public opinion that the hydrogen energy industry is ushered in the "golden decade", and Jing Chunmei has different views on this."The word" golden 'is too high. This industry has gone through the difficult journey of' 0 to 1 ', and it is in the critical stage of' 1 to 10 ', from '10 to 100' to the golden period. "SheIt is said that during the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" period, China's hydrogen energy industry must be a rapid development window period.The Chinese hydrogen energy industry chain is basically complete. Although the core key technologies can not be completely autonomous and controllable now, they basically master the main production processes. The country is doing the top -level design of the hydrogen energy industry. These will promote the accelerated development of the hydrogen energy industry.

From the perspective of the world, major global economies have incorporated hydrogen energy into national strategic planning.Jing Chunmei believes that the healthy development of China's hydrogen energy industry should achieve the following three points: First, based on China's national conditions and scientific planning the development of the hydrogen energy industry.China's resources and energy endowment are diverse, and the choice of energy and economic regulation is large. It should be effectively proceeded from the national conditions. According to the needs of energy strategies and industrial development, the status and role of scientific and rational hydrogen energy in the Chinese energy system cannot follow the trend.Follow.

Secondly, the hydrogen energy industry should be developed under the premise of technology and controlling.Government support policies are ultimately a breakthrough in core key technologies.In the past, there were a lot of industrial lessons. After the government subsidy was withdrawn, the core technology did not break through, and the industrial development was developed. The development of hydrogen energy to avoid these problems.

Third, before the technology is autonomous, it is about to pursue the terminal market application.At present, foreign enterprises that have grasped core technology in the field of fuel cell vehicles have not been rewarded in research and development for many years, and they are facing the dilemma that costs urgently.Jing Chunmei said: "If large -scale promotion terminal application at this time, local companies will rely on foreign technology, weaken the driving force of independent core technology innovation, and lead to high profits on the entire industrial chain.The embarrassing situation of other people's pioneering market '. "