(Morning News) The US Senate will draft a bill to strengthen the development of the US technology industry to cope with China's unfair business behavior.

Reuters reported that Schu Mo, the leader of the majority party of the United States Senate, said at a weekly routine press conference on Tuesday (23rd) that he had instructed the Senate committees to formulate a cross -party bill. According to his proposal last year,Legislative allocation of $ 100 billion (approximately S $ 132 billion) to fund research projects in key science and technology fields such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing and semiconductor.

Shu Mo said: "Today, at our core group meeting, I instructed the chairman and members of the relevant committee to be drafted to draft a draft legislative case to compete with China and create a new American employment opportunity."

He said that this year's package plan will focus on the manufacturing, science and technology, supply chain and semiconductor investment in the United States, and said that his goal is to send the bill to the Senate voting in the "this spring".

The Republican eagle is increasing the pressure on President Biden, asking him to continue the tough policy of former President Trump for Beijing.


Bynden government has stated that it is reviewing a series of Chinese projects and promised to adopt a hard but more balanced multilateral policy for China.