Australia has implemented a policy of prohibiting export plastic waste in 2020.Australian Environmental Minister Susanley said that she hopes that other countries can also issue such a ban to "solve the wall of ghost -like death scattered in Australia and international waters."

(Sydney News) Australia hopes that in the UN conference to promote international treaties to discuss the export of plastic waste from various countries, to restrict plastic waste pollution and destroy the marine environment.

The Sydney Pionee Morning News reported that the United Nations Environment Conference held at Nairobi, Kenya on the 28th of this month, will vote to start the negotiation of the plastic pollution treaty.

Australia has implemented a policy of prohibiting export plastic waste in 2020.Australian Environmental Minister Susanley said that she hopes that other countries can also issue such a ban to "solve the wall of ghost -like death scattered in Australia and international waters."

She pointed out that Australia is one of the countries that attend the Pacific countries attending the UN Environment Conference and are committed to promoting the above -mentioned international treaties.Australia has signed an agreement with other Pacific countries to request countries to set up the upper limit of plastic production, especially disposable plastic products.

She said: "I want to see more countries following the pace of Australia, control their plastic garbage, and will not export it into other countries.Marine creatures and environment. "

She also said that Australia will be committed to cooperating with neighboring Pacific and supporting international agreements on marine plastic pollution."Our ocean is part of our country's identity, and it is critical to the daily life of millions of Australians. We are facing a major, urgent, and increasingly serious environmental problem to ensure that our common ocean is clean and healthy.Responsibilities to the country and region. "

The Convention Materials caused many controversy

According to data from the International Nature Protection Alliance, more than 14 million tons of plastic falls each year.Entering the ocean, these plastics will decompose chemical pollution, and they will also entangle marine animals and cause them to suffocate; fish, birds, or other animals often die due to swallowing plastic garbage.

Although the international community generally recognizes that it has urgently needed to deal with marine plastic pollution, it will be promoted to formulate a legal binding force for export plastic waste.Some developing countries will not have enough financial resources to deal with it.

The Plastic policy manager of the Australian Branch of the World Nature Foundation, Nobul, pointed out that the initiative proposed by countries and regions that voluntarily handle plastic waste is not wide enough.Technical support countries extend their hands.

She said: "The new plastic pollution treaty must have legal binding power and ambition, and it is the standard for all countries to comply with and co -action."

She revealed that she revealed that she revealed that she revealed thatMore than three -quarters of the United Nations member states have expressed support for the establishment of such international treaties. Therefore, at the upcoming UN Environment Conference, the participating countries are likely to agree to start a formal negotiation.