(Morning News) The "Ambassador Bridge" connected to Michigan and the province of Ontario, Canada finally resumed to traffic.

Agence France -Presse reported that Detroit International Bridge issued a statement late at night on Sunday local time (February 13) saying that the Ambassador Bridge is now completely open and once again allows business freedom between Canada and the US economy again.flow.

Under the requirements of many automobile manufacturers, the Ontario High Court issued a ban on February 11 to prohibit demonstrators from continuing to block the ambassador's bridge port.

The Canadian police officer armored vehicle on Saturday morning to clear the blocked Ambassador Bridge The obstacles of the lane were removed, and all the last 20 demonstrators occupied by the bridge were driven away.

After the ban in the High Court of Ontario for more than 12 hours, this is the most busy transportation passage in North America for six days before the end of paralysis.

Ambassador Bridge is a suspension bridge connecting Small in Michigan and Windsor, Ontario, Canada.In terms of trade volume, it is the busiest international border in North America.More than 25%of the trade trade between the United States and Canada passes through this bridge, and the two -way cargo on the Ambassador Bridge is worth about $ 360 million (about S $ 480 million) every day.