(Morning News) Ukraine President Zeleziski invited US President Bayeng to visit Kiev for a few days, showing that the United States' support for Ukraine threatened by Russia will help stabilize the situation.But Washington did not mention Zellennki's invitation.

Agence France -Presse reported that Zelei Sky Sunday (February 13) and Biden passed a 50 -minute phone call."I firmly believe that you visit Kiev in the next few days ... will send a powerful signal and help stabilize the situation."A Ukrainian official who was unknown said that Biden did not make a positive response to Zellezki's idea.

The statement issued by the U.S. Huafu on the statement of the two countries' calls was not mentioned in the invitation issued by Zerrenzki.

The White House said that Biden reiterated the United States' commitment to Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, "the two leaders agreed to continue to seek diplomacy and deterrence to deal with the importance of Russia's military assembly on the Ukrainian border."

Biden told Zerrenzki that if Russia invaded Ukraine, the United States and its allies will take "rapid and decisive action", which echoes his speech on Russia President Putin the day before.The calls between Biden and Putin on February 12 did not make breakthroughs in alleviating the situation of Russia and Ukraine.

Zeleiski thanked the United States for the supply of military materials for Ukraine for steady transportation of military materials, and pointed out, "Since we are not members of NATO organizations, only a powerful Ukrainian army can guarantee that our country can guarantee our countrySafety. "

The military power deployed near the Ukraine border has continued to increase. Washington means that Russia may invade Ukraine at any time, but Moscow denies that it will do so.