(Morning News) Berkshire Hathaway CEO WAREN BUFFETTTT was known by the world as a god of stock.

Comprehensive information and reports of all parties, since becoming the CEO in 1965, he has "created" more than $ 700 billion in shareholders value, and led Berkshire's shares to achieve more than 20 % an average annual average annual averageReturn.If calculated from December 31, 1964, its total return on investment is an amazing 3800,000 %.

However, according to the 13F form of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), investors are even more surprised that Buffett as of September 30 last year, Berkshire Hathaway was nearly $ 349 billionThe investment portfolio also holds only 45 different stocks. About 75 % of them are only placed on the four stocks in the district, and the investment portfolio is not diverse at all.English proverb says: Don't put all eggs in a basket, but the method of the stock god is almost the opposite.

Which four stocks are the four stocks of Buffett's love?This article reveals the answer for you.

1. Apple: $ 156.5 billion (44.8 % of investment assets)

I bought a technology giant Apple (Nasdaq Stock Code:After AAPL), Apple is the favorite of Buffett's investment.

According to the information provided by Berkshire Hathaway in 2020, the company holds more than 987 million Apple stocks at $ 34.26 per share.Apple's closure price last Friday was $ 168.64 per share.This means that Buffett's company has not achieved a profit of more than $ 121.8 billion.

In addition, according to Statista's data, from 2016 to 2020, Apple also distributed a total of four agents from $ 2.23 (2016) to $ 3.04 (2019) four times a year.Although the dividend is inferior this year, there are also $ 0.88 per share.This year's dividend revenue alone, Berkshire Hasan received nearly $ 799 million.

From his investment portfolio, he obviously is full of confidence in Apple's long -term growth potential and CEO Tim Cook.And Apple's iPhone swept the global and has reached a record high. From iPhone to Mac to iPad, they have not disappointed God's expectations so far.

2. Bank of America: $ 49.9 billion (14.3 % of investment assets)

Berkshire Hathaway also holds more than 1 billion sharesThe average cost per share is $ 14.17.According to the closing price of $ 47.92 last Friday, the stock god did not achieve a profit of more than $ 33.5 billion.In addition, Bank of America distributed dividends four times a year.With the annual dividend of $ 0.84 per share this year, Berkshire Hathaway's vault account for 868 million US dollars.

In fact, Buffett likes bank stocks.As the Fed will increase interest rates this year, the US Bank will definitely benefit.

In addition, the digital efforts of the Bank of America have also gained a generous return.In the past three years, the bank's digital users have increased by 5 million households to 41 million.According to the bank's performance report, in the fourth quarter of last year, 49 % of the bank's transactions were completed through online or mobile applications.Digital transactions completed in the same quarter three years ago accounted for 31 %.The bank has stated that this digital trend will allow Bank of America to integrate some branches' business and reduce overall expenses.

3. American Express: $ 28.2 billion (8.1 % of investment assets)

Holding American Express stocks.He holds a total of 151.6 million shares.The closed market price of American Express last Friday was $ 191.81, while the average cost of Berkshire was only $ 8.49 per share.This is an increase of more than 2150 %.Not only that, Berkshire Hathaway is also expected to get a dividend of $ 1.72 per share from the United States this year.

The rich people know the habit of rich people.Therefore, Buffett does not take over the whiskey or everything, but the American Express.Although the whiskey and MasterCard seem to be more popular and more popular, it is the American Express that really attracts rich customers around the world.This is one of the main reasons for the long -term success of American Express.Because wealthy people will not significantly change their consumption habits because of the economic cycle, the business of American Express will not be more likely to have negative fluctuations than most credit institutions.

4. Coca-Cola: US $ 24.4 billion (7 % of investment assets)

Coca-Cola is the longest invested stock in Berkshire Hathan,Hold a total of 400 million shares.Since 1988, Coca -Cola is a member of the company's investment portfolio.The cost of the stock is only $ 3.25 per share.The closing price last Friday was $ 60.29, which means that Buffett's investment increased by about 1700 %, which does not include dividends.

Coca -Cola's $ 1.68 annual dividend announced recently.Berkshire Hathaway is expected to receive a dividend income of $ 672 million from Coca -Cola this year.Don't forget that Coca -Cola has increased dividends for 60 consecutive years, and this number will become higher and higher year by year.

Coca -Cola is an unknown brand.Its business is distributed around the world (except Cuba and North Korea).Therefore, the company's stable cash flow in mature markets and the vigorous growth of emerging market businesses have made the company one of the safest stocks in the world.

Buffett once said: "Only when you don't know what you are doing, diversification is necessary."

Although Buffett's investment is not diverse, he has a unique visionAnd very patient.As the stock market fluctuates every day, it has touched people's hearts, and it is necessary to collect a stock for more than ten or twenty years, and few investors can really do it.Perhaps the investment is successful, and it is really like Buffett.

(Note: The 13F form of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is a quarterly report. All institutional investment managers with at least $ 100 million in management assets must submit the report.Equity of various investment projects.)