(Hong Kong News) The Hong Kong police who have long used the British ceremonial and battle standards are studying Chinese -style exercises from the Chinese PLA in Hong Kong.However, whether the step operation is "abandoning the British transfer", it is reported that it has not been concluded.

Comprehensive Hong Kong 01 and East Network reported that the Liberation Army in Hong Kong provided a battle training at the Hong Kong Police Academy of Huangzhukeng the day before yesterday. The Hong Kong Police Team formed a group of about 10 groups, and one to two PLA professors taught Chinese style.The five major disciplinary forces in Hong Kong, including the Police Office, Correctional Services, Customs, Fire Divisions and Entry Divisions.

The Hong Kong police estimate that in some occasions or activities in the future, it will use Chinese step exercises, but whether it has been fully used in Chinese step exercises has not been determined.

Hong Kong's return has been 23 years, but the five major disciplinary forces still use the British ceremonial standards.

Some scholars and current affairs commentators have pointed out that the Hong Kong National Security Law has been formally implemented and the National Anthem Law has also been established.The suspicion of "double loyalty" and called on the Hong Kong government to face the problem.

According to reports, the Hong Kong police have always learned British step -by -step exercises, and they will send training and firearm training to inspect the training of the British Army in Equipment College, and then return to Hong Kong to train other personnel.

After the anti -repair campaign and the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, the British Ministry of Defense ordered the Hong Kong Police in August last year.The Hong Kong Police said that after the evaluation of the risk of coronary infection and the responsibility of the human resources of the action, it took the initiative to suspend the staff to go overseas for training.

The Hong Kong police confirmed that the honor guards in Hong Kong were invited to the Police Academy to train and exchange with the Policites instructor of the Police Office and multiple disciplinary forces;Continue to use during the event.The Correctional Services Department responded that it is being introduced in the stages of the division of Chinese step exercises.

The difference between Chinese and English -style step operations is mainly to swing in hand and feet.When the British step is swinging hands, the arm of the front swing must be stretched until the shoulder level, and the heel is required to touch the ground first, and then step forward.Chinese -style steps do not need to straighten their shoulders when they swing their hands. They are required to be on the ground for the entire foot.