(Jakarta comprehensive) is well-traveled global economy.As the expansion, war threat, and long -term consequences of the crown disease impact, the head of the Twenty Group of Twenty Groups will hold a two -day meeting in Indonesia this week to discuss the global economic prospects.

The Rotating Chairman of the G20 (G20) Rotating Chairman Indonesia plans to set up a new global financial institution to provide emergency funds to countries when the public health crisis appears.The International Monetary Fund (IMF) will strive to support countries to support the planning of the backbone of poor national debt restructuring.

The G20 Treasury Secretary and the central bank governor meeting agreed to be held in Jakarta on Thursday and Friday.At present, the prices of more than more than the G20 member states are being hit by the biggest impact since the establishment of the G20 at the end of the last century, and the continuous supply problem and the surge in energy costs have intensified this impact.Recently, the Ukraine crisis may evolve into war and make energy prices facing greater pressure.

Due to the current many challenges, officials of the participants on the economic situation are expected to be not as optimistic as last October last year.At that time, the G20 Treasury Secretary and the central bank governor held a meeting in Washington, saying that the inflation intensified was only "temporary".

The data released before the Jakarta meeting showed that in January of this year, the US consumer price index recorded the largest increase in 40 years, which increased the expectations of the Fed's tightening of monetary policy.In Argentina and Turkey in the G20 member states, the inflation rate has risen to nearly 50%.

Bloomberg analyzed that the crown disease epidemic has not ended, but people may see from this meeting that governments of various countries pay attention to other worrying new issues other than crown diseases.

Indonesian Health Minister Budi said on Friday that Indonesia will urge the G20 to set up a global institution that can allocate emergency funds during the public health crisis.Essence

He pointed out that no international health institution has enough power or funds to provide such assistance. Basically, countries can only "rely on themselves" to obtain the need for emergency funds, vaccines, and healing drugs.And diagnostic tools.As the rotating chairman of this year's G20, Indonesia will seek to change this situation.

Budi also said that the World Health Organization is not suitable for managing this new global health fund, and other institutions such as the Global Fund (Global Fund), and the Global Vaccine Immunization Alliance (Gavi) will be more appropriate."I don't think WHO has the ability to raise $ 1 trillion like IMF. WTO is not set up for such work."

He added that Indonesia will also promote the establishment of global genome data sharingPlatforms, unified global health rules, and the establishment of a global manufacturing and research center.

IMF hopes to use this meeting to promote the suggestion of strengthening the debt restructuring framework for poor countries.At present, the framework only attracts the three countries of Chad, Zambia and Ethiopia.IMF spokesman Rice said the organization will seek support from more countries at the Jakarta conference.

This meeting is expected to make progress in the state that stops reorganizing debts in this framework and made progress in the formulation of these reorganizations.This will enable IMF, Bank of World, and other institutions to better meet the needs of possible reorganizations.

Earlier, the suspension of debt repaction for the poor country expired at the end of last year after the implementation.Rice said: "In the future, we may see that the demand for support and debt restructuring has accelerated."