The Director of the International Affairs Office of the American Chamber of Commerce said that the US government is also considering other options, including cooperation with allies more closely, standing in the same position in dealing with China, and requiring China to provide fair competition for multinational companies to provide fair competitionenvironment.

(Washington Composite Electric) The U.S. Chamber of Commerce revealed on Wednesday that if China is required to conquer the Sino -US trade agreement, the Bayeng government will consider a new tariff review of China.

The American Chamber of Commerce is the largest business lobbying group in the United States.Breane, director of the International Affairs Department of the Chamber of Commerce, told the media that the US government is also considering other options, including cooperation with allies more closely, standing in the same position in dealing with China, and requiring China to provide fair competition for multinational companies to provide fair competitionenvironment.

The trade data released by the United States on Tuesday shows that China has failed to fulfill the commitment of the "first stage" trade agreement.The number of quantities increased from the scale of US $ 200 billion (about S $ 268.5 billion) in 2017.Especially in energy, China ’s purchase of energy is only one -third of the original promised.

Brene said that the US Chamber of Commerce supports the Biden government and Chinese officials to hold talks to ask them to abide by the promise of the first stage agreement.But Brenete also said: "If these consultations cannot allow China to implement the clauses in the agreement, then I think the government can consider taking further action." He also said: "The government is considering a series of options. At this stage, we will not not be at this stage.Support any options, these options may include terms 301. "

Former President Trump In order to deal with China's unfair economic and trade behavior, he used Terms 301 of the 1974 Trade Law in 2018 and in 2018 and andIn 2019, tariffs on the US exported goods with hundreds of billions of dollars on the US exports.

Brene revealed that according to his consultations with the Biden government, any action in the short term will not involve tariffs."Although China has not fulfilled the first stage of promise to bring challenges, the government knows that the tariffs of levy will put pressure on American companies and American workers. They need to consider this impact."

Brene pointed outAny action taken by the Biden government should negotiate with the industry and commerce and allies."Any action against China, if it is not in a multilateral way, will not work with European and our friends in Asia, it will not achieve such great results."

On the other hand, the US Minister of Commerce willRaymond Doro's interview with Bloomberg stated on Wednesday that the United States will ask China to be responsible for the failure to fulfill the procurement commitment in the trade agreement.

Raymond Duo said that Beijing did not do business according to rules. Not only did he continue to allow the country's company, but also suppressed the competitiveness of American business enterprises. "We want them to take responsibility."It is negotiating.