(Kiev/Moscow Composite Electric) The Ukrainian crisis seems to have it.Relieve room.Russian President Putin expressed his willingness to make concessions after talks with French President Macron and will study the solution proposed by Macron.

The two men had more than five hours after the talks at the Kremlin on Monday (February 7), and Putin said at a joint press conference that Macron proposed several plans to him as a future discussion in the Ukrainian crisis.The foundation; Putin did not explain the details, but only said that after Macron visited Ukraine, the two would call the phone again.

Putin said that Moscow will "do everything possible to find a suitable way to discount any party", but he still accuses Western countries in the Ukrainian situation to heat up and reiterate that NATO expansion is endangering Russia's security.

He pointed out that once Ukraine joins NATO, Russia will inevitably conflict with European countries, which is not good for anyone.

Macron said that he proposed "specific security assurance" to Putin, including the promise of both parties not to take any new military operations, start new strategic dialogues, and strive to restore Ukraine peace processes."President Putin assured me that he was ready to contact in such a state, and he also intends to maintain Ukraine's stability and territorial integrity."

France is currently the chairman of the EU Council, Macron is the Ukrainian crisisSince the outbreak of December last year, the first Western leader to talk with Putin.

Macron: Now it is possible to promote the Russian and Ukraine negotiations

Macron met Ukrainian President Zessky on Tuesday on Tuesday.He later told the media that he had persuaded Putin not to worsen the situation in Ukraine.

He also said that both Putin and Zellezki stated that they would abide by the Minsk agreement signed by the two countries. "We may now promote Russia and Ukraine's negotiations.The Minsk agreement is a series of protocols reached by France and Germany in 2014 and 2015 under the context of Russia's annexation of Crimea and continuing to support the power of Wudong.

However, the Kremlin spokesman denied that Putin promised not to let the Ukraine situation heated up, saying that any report about Russia's military operations near the Ukrainian border was "wrong."

On the same day of Putin and Macron's talks in Moscow, US President Biden Biden talks with the German Prime Minister Tsutz in Washington in Washington.

After Bayeng, he warned at a press conference in the White House that if Russia invaded Ukraine, Russia's Beixi 2 pipeline that transports natural gas to Western Europe will be cut off.

"If Russia dares to invade, it is the tank or the army to open the Ukrainian border, then there will be no Beixi No. 2. We will cut off this pipe."

Shurz saidGermany will stand on the same front as the United States, but he never mentioned Beixi 2 during his visit in Washington.Germany attaches great importance to this underwater pipeline that is cooperated with in Russia and Western countries. It can be twice the total number of natural gas that can be transported after opening.

Souls will also visit Moscow and Kiev next week.

British Prime Minister Johnson wrote in the Thames that once the Russian army attacked Ukraine, Britain would take sanctions and other measures, including possible fighters and warships to protect southeast Europe.

According to the US Pentagon report on Monday, Russia continues to send troops to the southwest of the Ukrainian border.

The United States has recently evaluated that the Russian army there has reached 110,000, and it can increase to 150,000 in the middle of this month, which is enough to launch the scale of a comprehensive offensive.

On the other hand, the separatist rebels in the Donetsk region in eastern Ukraine publicly demanded that Russia provides soldiers and weapons reinforcements.It is expected that this will further complicate the Ukrainian crisis.

The rebel leader Hodgorviski said on Monday that Donetsk is likely to explode a comprehensive war. If the government forces launch an attack, he has only 10,000 combatants, and he does not resist.The help of Russia."We need at least 40,000 people, which is the front line warrior with automatic rifle with 40,000 people."