(Morning News) officials from New Jersey, Connecticut, Tellawa, California, and Oregon officials announced on Monday (February 7) that they will be canceled in the next few weeksThe regulations of wearing a mask return to "normal life".

Reuters reports that these five states are in power by the Democratic Party. The dismissal of masks and orders to show that more and more politicians tend to loosen, so that citizens who are tired of anti -epidemic control measures get some liberation.

The number of new cases in New Jersey has decreased in the past two weeks.NSW Governor Murphy announced on Monday that the school will cancel the mask order on March 7.

Murphy said on Twitter: "It is not easy to maintain a balance between public health and restoration of normal life. But when the number of cases decreases and the vaccination rate increasesThe way of responsibility takes this step. "

However, Murphy later stated at a press conference that individual school districts and private child care service agencies will still be allowed to maintain and implement the requirements of wearing masks.

The governor of Connecticut, Lammont, announced on the same day that the state will cancel the mask order on February 28, and the Governor of Tellafana Kani also announced that the school mask order will be implemented until March 31.

Oregon will cancel the indoor mask order on March 31, which will cover the school.

Governor of California New Sen said on Monday that the incidence of the entire state has fallen by 65%, so he announced that from February 16, people who have completed the vaccination of the crown disease will exempt from wearing a mask indoors to wear a mask indoors.;

In most areas of Los Angeles and San Francisco, the mask policy will still be implemented in individual regions.

Medical experts still have different opinions on whether to relax the school's mask. Some experts believe that there are only one -third of the 5 to 11 -year -old children in the United States to take at least one dose of vaccine.When you get a mask.