In the capital of the capital, witnesses said that the police fired to the air to disperse the demonstrators, and the crowd fled in panic.In Yangon, the largest city, the police also used a powerful water cannon to deal with the demonstrators.Since the Myanmar military launched a coup to seize power on February 1, the public has been on the streets for several days.Police's attitude towards demonstrations is getting stronger and tougher. Bloomberg reports that this shows that the military government's fighting activities have gradually lost patience.

Fu Huiyun sorting

[email protected]

(Yangon Composite Electric) The demonstrators in large and small cities in Myanmar ignored the ban, and continued to surge on the street to protest the soldiers to seize their rights yesterday.

The police no longer restrained. In addition to the launch of water cannon drive, they also shot alert to the air, and even fired rubber bullets and tear bullets to the demonstrators, causing multiple demonstrators to be injured.Analysis pointed out that this shows that the military government has gradually lost patience against resistance.

In the capital of the capital, witnesses said that the police fired to the air in order to disperse the demonstrators, and the crowd fled in panic.The police also dispatched a powerful water cannon to catch people.

According to the network news that supports demonstrations, in the serious police conflict in the Better, the police fired rubber bullets, causing at least 20 demonstrators to be injured.

Mandler Police -Police Conflict 36 people were arrested, including reporters

A doctor told Reuters that his hospital he was treating four wounded.The hospital originally thought that they were injured by rubber bullets, but the X -ray detection of one of the injured women in the head showed that she was hit by real bombs, and I am afraid that she was so fierce.Another man's chest injury was temporarily unclear whether he was hit by real bomb or rubber bullets, but fortunately, he did not endanger his life.

Mandler, the second largest city in northern Myanmar, the demonstration triggered a conflict between police and civilians. The security forces fired tear gas and water cannons.Local media said the police arrested at least 36 people, including reporters.

In Yangon, the largest city, the police also used a powerful water cannon to deal with the demonstrators and warned them that they would be forcibly drove away if they did not dissolve.

Since the Myanmar military launched a coup to seize power on February 1, the public has been on the streets for several days.Police's attitude towards demonstrations is getting stronger and tougher. Bloomberg reports that this shows that the military government's fighting activities have gradually lost patience.

The United Nations condemn Myanmar's excessive use of demonstrators

The United Nations condemned the Myanmar authorities to deal with the demonstrators for excessive use of force last night.Almgren, a United Nations coordinator in Myanmar, issued a statement saying: "Excessive use of demonstrators cannot be accepted."

The head of the Burmese Defense Force, Min Anglai, delivered a public speech for the first time after the coup issued a coup on Monday night to defend the coup and promised that the election will be held in politics, but the Burmese sneer at this.

On the same day, the official media hinted that the demonstration might take a target of demonstrations, saying that the public hopes to deal with "the wrong person."The military has implemented curfes and prohibit five or more assemblies in many places in Nebid, Mandler and Yangon.

Reuters said that people have strikes without cooperative movements. The operation of hospitals, schools and government departments has been affected, but the people protesting on the streets of Yangon yesterday were obviously less than the day before.

This wave of demonstration protests was taken leading by young people. They quickly mobilized and convened supporters through social media, and proposed three main demands: release the leaders of the original elected government leaders including Wengshan Shuzhi, acknowledged Weng Shan Shuzhi leadership leadersThe National Democratic Alliance (referred to as the Democratic League) won the 2020 election and asked the military to stay away from politics.

The demonstrators vowed to continue to fight until the demands were implemented, but because Myanmar had had bloody democratic demonstrations in a long time in Myanmar in a long time, how will the Burmese situation develop very much attention.

According to a UN report, 31 people killed in the Burmese army in 2007, and hundreds of people may even be killed in 1988.