(Washington / Beijing Comprehensive News) Two US aircraft carrier battle groups launched military exercises in the South China Sea yesterday. Two French warships have recently patrolled in the above waters.A spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded that China opposes that any country is under the name of navigation freedom and endangers Chinese sovereignty and security.

According to Reuters, the U.S. Navy announced yesterday that the Roosevelt aircraft carrier combat group and the Nimitz carrier combat group yesterday in the South China waters "have launched many exercises aimed at improving each other and enhancing command and dispatching capabilities."

This is the first time in the United States for more than half a year in the sea to carry out aircraft carrier joint military exercises, and it is also the first time that the US President Bayeng came to power.

Jim Kirk, commander of the aircraft carrier battle group, the Nimitz aircraft carrier battle group, said in a statement: "We are committed to ensuring that all countries can use this seas legally based on international law."

According to Agence France -Presse, French Minister of Defense Parry said on Twitter the day before yesterday that the French nuclear power submarine Emeraude and the submarine support ship SEINE have just completed the sailing in the South China Sea.Patrol mission.

Parry said that this proves that the French Navy has a long -term deployment ability and can cooperate with strategic partners in Australia, the United States and Japan.

Parry also said that the task is to strengthen the understanding of the area and emphasize that "international law is the only effective rule, no matter which sea we sail to."

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin responded to the above -mentioned actions at the regular press conference held yesterday afternoon that there is no problem with the freedom of navigation and flying over the South China Sea. China has always respected countries.With freedom with flying.

But he emphasized that China opposes that any country is named after navigation freedom, endangering the sovereignty and security of China, and destroying regional peace and peace.