After the demonstration of anti -soldiers in major cities in Myanmar, the official announced yesterday that the seven towns and villages of Yangon and Mandler were implemented in martial law yesterday.A curls were implemented from 8 pm to 4 am.

Su Junxiang sorted

[email protected]

(Yangon Composite Electric) After the demonstration of anti -soldiers in major cities in Myanmar after day, the military attitude turned to tough. Yesterday, it was announced that in the largest city of Yangon and the second largest city of Mandalay, it entered into martial arts.Implementation.Military strongman Min Anglai also gave a public speech for the first time after the coup to defend the coup.

Minon Lai, chief of the National Defense Forces, suddenly delivered a TV speech last night, and once again accused the election committee of the election committee obstructing a fair election on an excuse.He said the election committee must reform.He reiterated that the authorities would hold an election to transfer the government to the winners.He called on the public to pay attention to "correct facts" instead of feelings.

Min Angle's speech content is similar to that before and after the military coup, but his statement may indicate that the military will not give up.

The National Democratic Alliance (National League) led by Weng Shan Shuzhi (the National League) in November 8 last year once again achieved an overwhelming victory, and its advantage exceeded the 2015 election.After the military, the military continued to accuse the elections of large -scale fraud and demand investigations, but the election committee did not agree with the military.

The capital of Myanmar, Bidi, Shangdu Yangon, and Mandaler continued to have thousands of people on the street yesterday to protest the soldiers to overthrow the election government and seize their power, and demanded the release of the League leaders such as Wengshan Shuzhi.Demonstration leaders also called on the country's general strike to call on workers and civil servants to participate in the "non -cooperative movement".

In Nobita, thousands of people participated in the demonstration, and those who rode a motorcycle and the person who drove the car also protested according to the Lingxian.The riot police fired a water cannon to the demonstrators and warned the demonstrators to leave, otherwise they would face force ban.Authorities also warned through state -owned media, saying that they were violated by disciplinary violations in accordance with the law.This has caused all parties to worry that the authorities will be targeted at the demonstration with tough means.

A few hours later, the official issued a statement that announced the implementation of seven towns and towns in Mandler, prohibited people from participating in demonstrations, prohibited more than five people's assemblies, and performed a curfew from 8 pm to 4 am.Shortly after, the authorities also announced that Yangon had implemented martial law.

The Myanmar military launched a coup on February 1 to overthrow the Democratic League government led by Wengshan.After that, the demonstrations of anti -soldiers and supporting the government in all parts of Myanmar have gradually emerged, and their momentum has become increasingly increasing.Although the authorities have already ordered the telecommunications service provider to close the social media platforms such as facialbooks, the demonstration videos from various places can still be seen in the facebook.

responding to non -cooperative sports workers medical staff, etc.

In addition to the capital, the two largest cities in Myanmar, Yangon and Mandler, each have thousands of people on the streets to participate in the demonstration.Workers, medical staff, teachers, and government organs have responded to the strike of non -cooperative movement.

In Yangon, a 28 -year -old clothing factory worker said: "Today is a working day, but we don't start. Even if we are deducted, we don't care."

A nurse at a government hospital said: "Our medical staff leads this (not cooperative) movement and urges all civil servants to join. We must tell the masses that our goal is to eradicate the military regime.War. "

Mincanin, the Democratic movement leader who has actively invested in Myanmar's 1988 democratic demonstration, also said: "We ask civil servants to not go to work today."

Roman Catholic Pope Francis made annual speeches on diplomats in more than 180 countries on Monday: "Last week's coup was roughly interrupted (Myanmar) in recent years." He called on Myanmar Military GovernmentRelease the arrested Democratic League leader as soon as possible to make a good conversation with the country, so that the democratic process can continue.Fang Ji went to visit after entering the democratization of Myanmar in 2017.

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