(New Delhi Comprehensive News) The former Chief of Staff of the Indian Army said that the Indian Army crossed the actual line of the Sino -Indian border to the actual line of the Chinese Liberation Army, but the Indian government never released information.

According to India's third largest English reported on Sunday, the number of times to the Indian army has crossed the actual line of control.Kumar Singh) said: "If the PLA has passed the actual control line 10 times, we must have done at least 50 times."

Singh also said that the Indian government will not notify all the Indian troops across the actual control lines advocated by their own claims, so the outside world never knows how many times the Indian army has gone through the line.

Singh said that the China -India border "has not officially defined the border", and the two parties have their own claims on the definition of the actual control line, and have been cross -line for many years.

Singh has accused China of trying to expand its controlled areas.He said that the PLA would first station in the new area and strengthen defense measures. After the negotiations, it was slightly retreated. This cycle was so cyclical, but the Modi government wanted to "ensure that this kind of thing would not happen."In the current negotiations, the Indian Army insists on demanding that the Chinese side withdraw from these areas.

In response to the current situation of the Sino -Indian border confrontation, Singh believes that the situation is "effectively controlled", but this makes China feel pressure because the Indian army appears where the PLA does not want them to appear.He also said that China realized that if there was a condition, "India would fight back."

According to the previous report by the Ministry of National Defense, the two military and India armed forces held the ninth round of military -level talks on January 24. The two sides exchanged in -depth exchanges on the problem of contact with the actual control line in the western section of the Sino -Indian border.The report also said that the two sides agreed to promote the first -tier troops from contact as soon as possible and continue to take effective measures to ensure that the front -line troops are restrained.

Four days later, Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar also publicly released goodwill, emphasized the importance of bilateral relations, and put forward eight suggestions, including observing border agreements and respecting actual control lines.

But one day, Indian President Ram Nath Kovind said at a joint meeting of Congress that India is strengthening military deployment to the China -India border region, and also proposed to purchase a group of domestic weapons and continue to show Beijing tough toughness to Beijing.attitude.