Fu Huiyun sorting

[email protected]

(Yangon Composite Electric) Myanmar is calm after the military coup. In order to strengthen control, the military has removed the leaders of most government departments and forbidden all flights to take off and land for at least three months.

The international community is exploring how to punish Myanmar military generals who launch a coup, and US President Biden said to restore sanctions on Myanmar.

Bynden described the Burmese military and political change is a direct attack on the transformation of Myanmar's democracy and the transformation of the rule of law.He said in a statement issued on Monday that if the Burmese army "immediately abandon" the power seized by the coup and releases relevant activists and officials, the United States may restore sanctions on Myanmar.

Biden also shows that it will cooperate with regions and global partners to assist Myanmar to restore democracy and the rule of law, and hold accountable people who overthrow the democratic transformation of Myanmar.

The United Nations Security Council held an emergency meeting on Tuesday to discuss the situation in Myanmar on Tuesday to discuss the situation of Myanmar.

The Myanmar military launched a coup on the grounds of fraud on the presence of the elections on November 8 last year, which prevented the Congress of the election from holding the first meeting on the same day.The soldiers first detained the president Wen Min, Weng Shan Shuzhi of the State, and a number of leaders of the National Democratic Alliance of the ruling party, and then announced that the country has entered an emergency for one year, and the state power was transferred to the commander -in -chief of the National Defense Forces.

In order to further consolidate the forces, the Burmese Army announced on Monday night to replace the minister of 11 central government departments, and to relieve the twenty -deputy minister of 19 central government departments.

According to the official information released by Myanmar, the original Myanmar government consists of 24 departments.The reorganization involves most government departments.

Reuters reported that Min Anglai held a first meeting with the new government yesterday that in the case of fraud in the election last year, the military recaptured control was inevitable, and it was said that "until the next government was formed after the election, it was formed after the election.Earlier, we must guide this country ... During the emergency period, the coming to elections and confrontation against crown disease will be priority. "

Members of the Nations Facebook: Weng Shan Shuzhi is healthy and good

Just after the military's strengthening of deployment, the whereabouts of the detained candidate leader attracted much attention.According to the Myanmar media "Ieloval" News Network, Wengshan Shuzhi was placed under house arrest in her residence in the capital of her capital.

A senior member of the Nations said in Facebook yesterday that Weng Shan Shuzhi was healthy and good. After the military coup, she had been detained by the military at the same place.He also confirmed that all parliamentarians detained during the coup have been released.

China's official media Xinhua News Agency quoted a senior officer of Myanmar earlier that the military has released the seizure of local leaders and members of the provincial state -state state -state, but Wen Min and Weng Shan Shuzhi will continue to be detained.

The Democratic League Executive Committee issued a statement on Tuesday, requiring the military to release Wengshan Shuzhi and others as soon as possible, and acknowledged the results of the election last year.

After the coup, Myanmar's situation was calm.Agence France -Presse said that the security of Yangon, the largest city and the major business centers, has not been significantly strengthened, indicating that the military general believes that they will not face large -scale protests for the time being.

A Dushi driver told AFP: "We want to express dissatisfaction on the street, but Weng Shan Shuzhi is in their hands. We can't do anything at this stage, we can only keep silent."

The interrupted telephone and Internet services during the coup have returned to normal yesterday morning. Banks that have suspended services due to network problems also resumed their business.However, the busy market has become quiet, and Myanmar's main portal Yangon International Airport has also been closed.The Myanmar Times said that all flights including the landing and take -off permits of rescue flights have been revoked until 23:59 on May 31.