Su Yulan Sorting

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(Washington Composite Electric)Next week will visit Asia to talks with the Indian Pacific Alliance, including a meeting with the foreign minister of the Sifang's security dialogue mechanism.Analysts believe that although the Ukraine crisis continues to heat up, Brinkeak is still visiting Asia, showing that it is still a priority of Washington, which supports the support of the Indo -Pacific region and resisting China in the region.

Brincayo will start from Washington on Monday to meet with Australia, Japan and Indian Foreign Minister in Australia from 9th to 12th this month.

Bringson has continued to Fiji afterwards. This is the first US Secretary of State to visit Fiji since 1985.He will meet with 18 Pacific island leaders to discuss issues such as climate change, maritime security and illegal fishing, and "a common commitment to further promote the common commitment of democracy, regional unity and prosperity."

A senior official in the United States revealed that Bayeng's government plan to launch a new Pacific island country initiative with the allies and partners, hoping to combine regional countries to "improve our climate, ocean, and transportation issues.The goal".

Broske's last stop was to meet with South Korea and South Korea and the Japanese Foreign Minister. The content of the talks may focus on North Korea's recent missile test.

North Korea conducted seven weapons tests in a month last month, including the most powerful missile since 2017, and hinted that it may restart long -range missiles and nuclear tests.

The UN Security Council conducted internal consultation on the North Korean issue on Friday, but China and Russia and other countries refused to sign a joint statement for the Drafted North Korea's test -to -air -test missiles.

Chinese permanent representatives of the United Nations call for greater flexibility on the Nuclear Nuclear issue of the United States

Zhang Jun, a resident representative of the United Nations in the United States, called on the United States to NuclearThe problem should show greater flexibility.He told reporters before the meeting: "If the United States really wants to see a new breakthrough, they should show more sincerity and elasticity ... They should propose more attractive, practical, more flexible methods, policies and actionsAnd is willing to accommodate the problems that North Korea is concerned. The key to solving the problem is in the hands of the United States. "

Zhang Jun pointed out that the policy of former US President Trump's President Trump prompted Pyongyang to suspend nuclear test and explore the nuclear test and explore the nuclear test.Intercontinental ballistic missile.However, in recent months, "we have seen a vicious circle of confrontation, condemnation and sanctions."

However, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Thomas -Greenfield believes that the Security Council has no reason to "reward" North Korea's missile test.She said: "When the people are hungry, they still spend millions of dollars for military testing, showing that the country does not care about their people ... We must continue to put pressure."