India announced that no officials were sent to attend the attending officials to attend the attending officials to attend the attending attending attendedThe opening and closing ceremony of the Winter Olympics was due to the injured head of the PLA Qi Faobao who was not injured in the bleeding conflict of the China -India border last year.

The Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Bagch said to the media on Thursday: "China chooses to politicize the Olympic Games.Closing ceremony. "

Hu Xijin: Qi Faobao conveys the torch to call for the border with the world peace.At least four officers and soldiers died in the death of soldiers.Qi Fubao was the head of the PLA border defense regiment at that time. He was seriously injured in his head in the conflict. He was officially praised by Chinese officials and was awarded the honorary title of "Head of the Heroes of the Patriotic Border".

The current Winter Olympics torch was passed on February 2nd, and Qi Fabao was the second torchbearer.Hu Xijin, former editor -in -chief of the Global Times, said that Qi Faobao's meaning was called to call for borders and world peace.

The Chairman of the International Olympic Committee Bach said he did not know the details, but when he mentioned the 2012 London Summer Olympics, a veteran who had sent Afghanistan in Afghanistan also participated in the torch transfer activity.

China and India had a border war in 1962. Last year's conflict led to deteriorating relations between the two countries.In addition, the close relationship between China and India, Pakistan, has made India more distressed to China; the relationship between India and Western countries has become increasingly closely attracted.