Myanmar military coup ● Follow -up

Different from former US President Trump's commonly pursued "U.S. Priority" policy, the Biden government, who had just taken office on January 20, promised to closely cooperate with the allies to deal with major international challenges.Today, Myanmar crisis may be the first major test for Biden to seek multilateral solutions.

(Yangon Composite Electric) The Burmese military seizing power allows US President Biden to make a rapid and strong response pressure to face rapid and powerful response.The analysis believes that this crisis may be the first major test of the United States and allies to formulate a new Asian strategy against China.

The Myanmar military launched a coup on Monday to seize a number of candidate government leaders including Myanmar State -owned Assetsan Wengshan Shuzhi.

This crisis is a heavy blow to the Bayeng government and the establishment of a strong Asia -Pacific policy to fight against China.

Many team members in the Asian policy group, including the team leader Kurt Campbell, are senior members of the former President Obama government.A major foreign policy achievement during Obama's term is the end of Myanmar's long -term military rule.Biden served as Vice President in the Obama administration.

Unlike former US President Trump's "U.S. Priority" policy, the Biden government promised to closely cooperate with the allies on January 20 to respond to major international challenges with the Allies.Today, Myanmar crisis may be the first major test for Biden to seek multilateral solutions.

John Sifton, the leader of the Asian Promoting Organization, said: "The United States must be the allies to clearly give the ultimatum and make the Myanmar military realize what specific consequences will face if they do not end the coup."

Min Anglai was sanctioned by the United States and the United States, but received Beijing courtesy

Analysis also believes that the Military Conduct of Myanmar's military coup faces Bayon's efforts to resist the Chinese authoritarian model in Asia.

Mintanglai, commander -in -chief of the Myanmar Defense Forces, who has reached the legal retirement age this year, was sanctioned by the United States and Britain for facing racial extinction allegations against the Laurisians.But at the same time, he received the courtesy of Beijing: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi praised the "cell wave" friendship between the two countries last month when the 64 -year -old general met, and also appreciated the Burmese army as its responsibility.

Under the shadow of the dragon: SEBASTIAN Strangio, author of Southeast Asia in the Chinese century, said: "Although the coup will undoubtedly have a price, the military obviously believes that it can be afforded.It shows that with the enhancement of China's strength and the backwardness of Western democracy, the United States and other Western countries no longer have the moral authority or economic and political means that formulate a normative agenda in the region. "

A key strategy for the United States to fight against China's rise is to assemble the Asian democratic countries to establish a "free and open" area different from Beijing's one -party dictatorship.However, during Trump's tenure, democratic advocates in Malaysia and Thailand were defeated, and their opponents were not punished.

If you want to punish the Burmese military, Biden is facing a dilemma, that is, how to severely punish the military general without hurting the majority of people.The White House threatened said that if the military does not change the string, the United States will take action.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Myanmar is a friendly neighbor state

The upcoming Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Mer Nerous Mer Namth called for "strict economic sanctions" against the leaders of the Myanmar military.

China responds flat.A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wang Wenbin, said that Myanmar was a "friendly neighbor" and urged all parties to properly handle differences under the constitution and legal framework to maintain political and social stability.

As of the end of last year, China was the second largest investment country in Myanmar, second only to Singapore, with a batch amount of US $ 21.5 billion (about S $ 28.6 billion).China accounts for about one -third of Myanmar's total trade, which is more than 10 times that of the United States.

Nevertheless, the analysis believes that China will still act with caution to avoid doing anything that may alienate Wengshan supporters.