(Baghdad French New Electric) Former Iraq Iraq dictatorDuring the administration of Saddam, hundreds of rich and luxurious palaces and villas were built.For nearly 20 years of Saddam's fall, the left palace part has been given new uses, but most of the palaces are still waiting to be repaired after the US military artillery and criminals were severely caught and looted.

In 2003, the United States launched a war against Iraq on the grounds that Iraqi had large -scale killing weapons.The Saddam regime collapsed, and he was arrested and executed in 2006.

The coalition invaded Iraq, and the smoke was four. Most of Saddam's luxury palaces were destroyed by artillery fire or robbing thieves.Today, only a few palaces are given new students and changed to military bases, government offices or museums.

Lai Si, director of the Iraqi Cultural Relics Bureau, said that the funds required for these palaces are astronomical numbers, so most palaces are still abandoned so far, and they are unbearable.

A senior official who was unwilling to name pointed out that the festival and corruption also constitute an obstacle to the repair of the palace.

In the capital Baghdad, the three palaces have now become the office of the Presidential Palace and Prime Minister; the luxurious Faogo Palace once served as the US military base and changed to the overseas site of the Americanuniversity at private universities last year.The lecture hall, open -air theater and cafeteria, the establishment of school funds from an Iraqi investor.When the university president Murnex said that the main hall was relatively intact, the remaining buildings were completely destroyed."The windows are all broken, the birds fly in, there are snakes on the ground, and a wolf borrows. We have to repair a considerable scale."

There are only three palaces in the southern city of Basela.Two of the two militia organizations, the organization has been integrated into the regular Iraqi army, and the third palace is converted into the Museum of Cultural Relics.Kadan, director of the Basla Cultural Relics Bureau, pointed out that Basla is the only Iraqi province that has changed the palace to cultural heritage buildings.

He revealed that there were a total of 166 mansion, villas and other large buildings left in Iraq during the territory of Iraq.

In the ancient city of Babylon with a history of 4000 years, the authorities plan to convert a palace into a museum.The palace has been in disrepair for many years, chandeliers are damaged, and the walls are full of graffiti. Some peripheral buildings are now changed to hotels.

The most concentrated place in the Saddam Palace is his hometown Titrite, along the banks of the bottom of the bottom, at least 35 large and small palaces stand.Now these palaces have long been glory and become ruins.However, one place attracted tourists for a tragic reasons. In 2014, the Extreme Organization Islamic State executed 1,700 captured Iraqi Air Force trainees, known as the "Sipker Camp Luck".