U.S. Secretary of State Brills said that mainland China constituted a "most significant challenge" to the United States. He also criticized mainland China that is not transparent to the international community in the epidemic in mainland China.The new US chief diplomat also stated in an interview that US -China relations are a complex relationship. They have both opposite aspects and competition. They also have cooperation.

According to Voice of the United States, Blingken was asked during an interview with the US Cable TV MSNBC yesterday (February 1) that if mainland China takes action against Taiwan, whether the United States may have a military conflict with mainland China.

Brinken replied: "There is no doubt that in all countries, mainland China has formed the most significant challenge to us, but this is a complicated challenge. There are opposite aspects in US -China relations, and of course there are competition.In terms of, there are also some cooperation. But whether we are dealing with any aspect of this relationship, we must be able to deal with mainland China in a dominant position rather than a weak position. "

The Secretary of State, the Secretary of State, who has worked with the US President Biden for a long time, said that the advantage of the United States comes from the following aspects: its strong alliance relationship, which is what mainland China has;Active participation; defending these values when challenging the values of the United States in mainland China; ensuring that the US military can deter Chinese in mainland China and invest in the American people, so that they can fully compete.

Brinken said that the good news is that each of the above -mentioned factors that ensure the United States in their advantages are completely in the United States.

He said: "From many aspects, the challenges of mainland China are both related to the emerging strength of mainland China and some weaknesses caused by ourselves. But we can solve these weaknesses.A strong alliance, contact with the world, defend our values, invest in our people, and ensure that our military situation is proper, we can also better rebuild in this field. "

As for whether Biden would cancel tariffs on China, Brinken said that the Biden government was reviewing this.On the issue of tariffs, the issue of the Biden government is asking for the improving tariffs to cause greater damage to the United States or to mainland China?

When talking about the epidemic, Brintken said that there is no doubt that at the beginning of the outbreak and at the moment, the mainland government did not do enough in terms of providing the necessary information to the international community and letting experts enter mainland China.

When asked if Mainland China should pay the price for improper treatment of the epidemic, Brinken replied: "I think we must concentrate on the full understanding and accountability of what happened. It is currently underway."

He made the same statement when asked about the issue at the US Senate nomination hearing.

Brinken also criticized that mainland Chinese authorities have "taken a shocking action" in Hong Kong to destroy its commitment when Hong Kong's sovereignty handed over from Britain.He said that the United States should open the door with Britain who escaped from Hong Kong's political persecution.