Burmese President Wen Min, State -owned Assets Weng Shan Shuzhi, etc. were detained by the military.It is also the former vice president of the military representative, Min Rui, as the interim president; Min Rui then announced that according to the constitution, it implemented a one -year emergency state and transferred the state power to the commander -in -chief of the National Defense Army Min Anglai.

Fu Huiyun sorting

[email protected]

(Yangon Composite Electric) The Burmese military brewed for many days to send trouble to the election government yesterday and announced that it took over the regime and entered an emergency state for one year.Many leaders of Myanmar President Wen Min, Weng Shan Shuzhi, and the National Democratic Alliance of the ruling party were detained by the military.Wengshan Shuzhi called on the people of Myanmar to resist the military section.

The military launched a coup on the grounds that the general election was filled with fraud on the November 8th election last year, and re -administered the government after leaving the regime for 10 years.

The military announced yesterday morning and announced that the former vice president Min Rui, the former vice president of the military representative, was also appointed as an interim president; Min Rui then announced that in accordance with the constitution, it implemented a one -year emergency state and transferred the state power to the state power to the state power to transfer the state power to it toMino Anglai, commander of the National Defense Forces.

A few hours later, the military issued a statement in Facebook, promised to hold a general election after the one -year emergency state, and handed the regime to the election government.The military statement said: "We will implement a true multi -party democracy and maintain a complete balance and fairness."

According to the current constitution written by the military, the national emergency state can be implemented for up to one year.However, in view of the fact that the military controls the overall situation, constitutional changes can be amended at any time.

The Nations League uploaded a statement that Weng Shan was said to be a statement that Weng Shan was foreseeing that the military might launch a coup.She said in a statement that the military "tried to bring the country back to military dictatorship" and "we urged the people to resolutely oppose this unacceptable military coup."

After the leaders of the National League were deducted, the telephone and Internet interruptions of Myanmar were interrupted, and the national television station suspended broadcasting.A large number of military police have appeared on the streets of the capital Nei Bidi and the largest city of Yangon.

In Yangon, the military occupied the city hall before announcing seizure of power.After the news came out, the public began to buy materials such as rice, edible oil.Many people also rushed to the withdrawal because the bank was temporarily closed, but the withdrawal machine could not operate normally due to the network interruption.

The supporters of the Democratic League are frightened by the changes in the situation.A woman said: "The Democratic League is the government we vote. If they are not satisfied with the election results, they can hold another election. The coup is unacceptable."

The military launched a coup several hours before the opening of the new Congress on November 8 last year.The Democratic League led by Wengshan once again achieved an overwhelming victory, and the winning advantage exceeded the 2015 election.Since then, the military has continued to accuse the elections of large -scale fraud and demand investigations, and the opening of the New Congress will be postponed.In the past week, the military has repeatedly hinted that it is necessary to take tough measures, and even unwilling to rule out the possibility of coup.

The Myanmar military launched a coup to overthrow the election government and immediately attracted the condemnation of the international community. All parties called on the military to release the leaders of the people's alliance and return politics to the people.

UN diplomats said yesterday that the UN Security Council may meet today to discuss the situation in Myanmar.? ?? Since Myanmar has been separated from British colonial rule in 1948, most of the time has been under the rule of military regime.In 2011, after adopting the current constitution, the soldier leader Dan Rui handed over power to the semi -official government of the retired general.Political power.