The U.S. economy is now better or worse during the ruling in power
The U.S. economy is now better or worse during the ruling in power
在美国2024年总统A theme that appears repeatedly in the election is related to the US economy -Biden Biden and Trump, who has a better US economy during the administration? Kamala Harris, Vice President and Democratic Presidential Cand...
2024-09-28 04:22:43
Zhang Tiancha: 0-7 is a bitter reference figure
Zhang Tiancha: 0-7 is a bitter reference figure
On September 5th, the FIFA 2026 World Cup Asia preliminaries in the first round of the first round of the World Cup, the Chinese National Football Team lost 0-7 away to Japan.After the game, the European balls where Japanese players stayed...
2024-09-28 03:03:10
Zhang Rui: The competition of the family will become increasingly fierce
Zhang Rui: The competition of the family will become increasingly fierce
To this day, the family wealth management office is not only the world's top wealth management form, but also becomes a pivotal participant in the global capital market.Number effect.That's why, many countries in Europe and the United State...
2024-09-28 03:03:07
Wu Guo: Why do I tend to support the Democratic Party and Harris
Wu Guo: Why do I tend to support the Democratic Party and Harris
Whether based on the ideal vision or real interests, a diverse tolerant, gentle, rational, and more secular United States, for me and my family, it must be better than an extreme nativeism, exacerbating and conservative extreme principles.E...
2024-09-28 03:03:04
Society: The trip to Southeast Asia in Fangji is profoundly meaningful
Society: The trip to Southeast Asia in Fangji is profoundly meaningful
The Roman Catholic Pope Francis has recently launched the longest foreign visits since he took office for more than 11 years, and visited the four countries in Southeast Asia for 12 days.Fang Ji, 87, has visited Southeast Asian countries ma...
2024-09-28 03:03:01
Li Jiajia: Don't "slaughter dragons" or "holding pandas"?
Li Jiajia: Don't "slaughter dragons" or "holding pandas"?
When the "Courtyard's High Wall" becomes a "Copper Corridor Copper Wall and Iron Wall", the once lively civil exchange disappeared. In the end, I am afraid that both defeats and no winners. The US election entered the sprint stage, and the...
2024-09-28 03:02:59
Li Zhiyang: "Zero negative goddess" flip?
Li Zhiyang: "Zero negative goddess" flip?
The image has always been positive and is known as the "Zero -negative Goddess" actor Lin Yichen. Recently, she has been caught in a cross -strait unipretecity because of her speech in mainland Chinese variety shows. In the show broadcast o...
2024-09-28 03:02:56
Huang Huimin: There are also asphalt roads in Indian cities
Huang Huimin: There are also asphalt roads in Indian cities
Infrastructure upgrades may not be able to touch benefits, but there is always a start.Whether the pace can be faster, it must be weighed by India itself. Are India all mud roads?Is there a lot of cows on the road?Is there a diarrhea? Under...
2024-09-28 03:02:53
Hong Yiting: My "improvement" is not a dream in the future
Hong Yiting: My "improvement" is not a dream in the future
To ensure that Singapore's generations have dreamed of dreet, after all, we cannot rely on unlimited request. We must not forget that realizing dreams always rely on individuals. "Are you looking down in the sun and working silently with sw...
2024-09-28 03:02:50
Pacific Island Forum: Behind the stage of the Pacific Island State battle
Pacific Island Forum: Behind the stage of the Pacific Island State battle
Last week, leaders from all countries in the Pacific region came to the Pacific region.When Tosa, when he participated in the annual Pacific Islands FORUM, the tranquil capital Nukufaifa became lively. Every time there is a small meeting, a...
2024-09-28 03:02:46
The obsession with artificial intelligence may lead to the end of democracy
The obsession with artificial intelligence may lead to the end of democracy
Democracy is a dialogue.The survival of the function of this system depends on the available information technology.Most of the time in history, there are no techniques for millions of people to make large -scale dialogue.Before the world e...
2024-09-28 03:02:42
Comments: Biden Senior Aides study and set up the core of the US sovereign wealth fund
Comments: Biden Senior Aides study and set up the core of the US sovereign wealth fund
Source: Bloomberg A person familiar with the matter revealed that the US President Biden's high -level think tanks have been drafting the proposal to set up the establishment of a sovereign wealth fund for several months, hoping to invest i...
2024-09-28 01:43:06
Han Heyuan: Why are Chinese food safety problems frequently?
Han Heyuan: Why are Chinese food safety problems frequently?
In order to ensure the high growth of the economy and the maximization of fiscal revenue, all local governments do their best to encourage and support the development of local industry and commerce.Wait for behavior. The growing wolfberry g...
2024-09-28 01:43:03
Peter Wang: Dialects are "loyal", and you don't know what you have lost
Peter Wang: Dialects are "loyal", and you don't know what you have lost
Should dialects be retained?From the perspective of culture, I will first agree with the dialect and Chinese Chinese.In the dialect, there are many traditional and local elements. If you want to keep the local Chinese culture, the solid dia...
2024-09-28 01:43:00
Duan Yuechu: Mo Rang poison wolfberry hurts consumers' hearts
Duan Yuechu: Mo Rang poison wolfberry hurts consumers' hearts
Recently, the media has revealed that there are problems with illegal production and processing in the production area of ​​Jingyuan County in Gansu Province, which is really shocking and angry.In the era of everyone's pursuit of health...
2024-09-28 01:42:57