Edge, tolerance, diversity: Viewing Singapore's "Queer" director's film feel
Edge, tolerance, diversity: Viewing Singapore's "Queer" director's film feel
Recently, the author watched the Singapore's transgender female director, Quen Wong and the team shot by the film in Berlin Cinema. The film tells the director himself as "Queer" (Queer, that is, non -heterosexual or / and gender identifica...
2024-08-28 07:11:23
<b>The Korean Peninsula has no nuclear efforts?Nuclear weapons hit any city in the United</b>
The Korean Peninsula has no nuclear efforts?Nuclear weapons hit any city in the United
In the past 10 years, although Russia and China led by Putin have deepened their confrontation with the West, at least in a geopolitical project, they have always been consistent with the United States: demolition or at least curb North Kor...
2024-08-28 07:11:20
Comment: How long can the dance on the tip of the knife last depended on the support o
Comment: How long can the dance on the tip of the knife last depended on the support o
Source: Bloomberg If a small number of large technology stocks that continue to drive the S P 500 index stocks above the 50th mobile moving average is declining, from 85%at the end of March and 92%in January to 47%on Monday.An index that me...
2024-08-28 07:11:17
Gao Jiansheng: The result of polarization elections is also a kind of public opinion
Gao Jiansheng: The result of polarization elections is also a kind of public opinion
The result of polarization is like the unfortunate injury or even serious injury of athletes in competitive sports. It is part of sports, and "polarization" is also part of political operation and development.The rational thinking and attit...
2024-08-28 07:11:14
Cai Enze: Can the Chinese Urban Investment Corporation change the name of investors?
Cai Enze: Can the Chinese Urban Investment Corporation change the name of investors?
Update concepts are more important than renamed. Change ideas are more important than changing vests. Change formats are more important than changing mentality. Recently, China ’s local government investment and financing platform company...
2024-08-28 07:11:11
Ye Xiuliang: boost the Chinese housing market and the economy
Ye Xiuliang: boost the Chinese housing market and the economy
As long as the above -mentioned de -inventory optimization is made, and the policy searches through the policy dose continues to increase the policy. The tendency of Chinese nationals to buy houses and stocks will continue to increase.Essen...
2024-08-28 07:11:08
Chen Qingwen: Judicial independence must be the principle of Singapore's worship
Chen Qingwen: Judicial independence must be the principle of Singapore's worship
The Secretary -General of the Renewal Party, Kennis, posted on Facebook on the 25th that the Prime Minister and the Minister of Justice could affect the performance of the performance of specific judges of the High Court. Kennis claims with...
2024-08-28 07:11:06
Comment: Li Qiang visited Malaysia to throw olive branches Anwar to find a balance bet
Comment: Li Qiang visited Malaysia to throw olive branches Anwar to find a balance bet
Source: Bloomberg Author: Anisah shukry During the three -day visit to Malaysia, the Prime Minister of the State Council of China, China and Malaysia promised to deepen economic and trade relations and promote the construction of major proj...
2024-08-28 07:11:04
Comment: How to resist and adapt to climate change?The latest research secret mechanis
Comment: How to resist and adapt to climate change?The latest research secret mechanis
Source: China News Agency Reporter: Sun Zi Law In the context of global climate change, how plants on the earth resist and adapt, and have long received much attention and continuous research on the academic circles for a long time. The Qin...
2024-08-28 07:11:01
Wang Feiling: Criminal criminals?
——The new challenge for American politics
Wang Feiling: Criminal criminals? ——The new challenge for American politics
Unless Trump withdraws from the election or during the long appeal process, he can overthrow the guilty ruling in time, and you have seen countless American voters who have seen countless strange things.president? At the end of last year, t...
2024-08-28 07:10:58
Chen Shiming: The scale of US debt will continue to expand
Chen Shiming: The scale of US debt will continue to expand
When the world's attention focuses on when the US Federal Reserve cuts interest interest rates and the hot -aged presidential election news, the US Ministry of Finance recently released the news of further expanding the federal government b...
2024-08-28 05:51:24
Liu Xiaoyang: Commonly responsible for economic development and family responsibility
Liu Xiaoyang: Commonly responsible for economic development and family responsibility
Seven -year -old children told me that he didn't want to have children when he grew up.I asked why, he said, "Because taking care of the child is very troublesome, tired, and spend a lot of money." A seven -year -old Singapore child does no...
2024-08-28 05:51:21
Society: Strictly prevent fraud corrosion of public trust
Society: Strictly prevent fraud corrosion of public trust
The National Donation Survey Report released by the National Volunteer Services and Charity Center pointed out that 32%of those who did not donate last year said that they would not donate because they were afraid of being deceived, an incr...
2024-08-28 05:51:18
Comments: Many Federal Reserve officials urged a few people to give a timeline hint to
Comments: Many Federal Reserve officials urged a few people to give a timeline hint to
Source: Bloomberg Author: Reade Pickert Many Federal Reserve officials emphasized that before reducing interest rates, they need to see more evidence of inflation and cooling, and the two decision makers put forward their own opinions on po...
2024-08-28 05:51:16
Zhang Rui: "Modi Economics 3.0" is afraid of losing color
Zhang Rui: "Modi Economics 3.0" is afraid of losing color
In the background of the background of local decentralization in the background of local decentralization in the background of the alien council with the ally and the ally. Not only will Modi's authority authoritarian be tested unprecedente...
2024-08-28 05:51:13