Vice President of the World Bank: The price of war pushing oil may affect China's
Vice President of the World Bank: The price of war pushing oil may affect China's
Indermit Gill, Vice Governor of the World Bank, said on Tuesday that the continuous high oil prices caused by Russia's invasion of Ukraine may cause the growth of China, Indonesia, South Africa, and Turkey to reduce the growth of a total of...
2023-09-30 06:42:45
News: U.S. embargo Russia does not include uranium required by nuclear power plants
News: U.S. embargo Russia does not include uranium required by nuclear power plants
(Morning News) According to a person familiar with the matter, the US President Biden Bynden was prohibited from importing Russia's oil and other energy product measures on Tuesday (March 8), and did not include uranium for nuclear power pl...
2023-09-30 06:42:40
The United States and Britain simultaneously prohibit imported Russian oil from oil pr
The United States and Britain simultaneously prohibit imported Russian oil from oil pr
(Morning News) The United States and the United Kingdom announced the embargo on Russia's energy on the same day. This is a major upgrade of the Western economic sanctions on Russia, which is expected to impact the global crude oil market s...
2023-09-30 06:42:38
Zelei: Russia has resorted to "nuclear horror"
Zelei: Russia has resorted to "nuclear horror"
Zelei said that the tanks of the Russian army are equipped with armoser, so they know clearly that they are shooting a nuclear facilities.(Agence France -Presse) (Morning News) Ukrainian President Zelezi strongly condemned Russian President...
2023-09-30 05:43:14
The Russian army attacks Ukrainian fire in Europe's largest nuclear power plant
The Russian army attacks Ukrainian fire in Europe's largest nuclear power plant
/P> (Morning News) The nuclear power plant in Zhaparlo -in southeast of Ukraine was burned in the early morning (March 4).The nuclear power plant is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe. Reuters reports that Ollov, Mayor of Energodar,...
2023-09-30 05:43:10
Russian Ministry of Defense: 489 Russian Army died in Ukrainian soldiers 2870
Russian Ministry of Defense: 489 Russian Army died in Ukrainian soldiers 2870
CCTV News Client News, on March 2nd, local time, the Russian Ministry of Defense issued a long announcement notifying the progress of special military operations. According to the announcement, In Russia's military operations against Ukrain...
2023-09-30 05:43:08
For the first time by the Russian Ministry
For the first time by the Russian Ministry
The Russian Ministry of Defense first disclosed data from invasion of Ukraine. Comprehensive BBC and Russian satellite news agency reported that the Russian Ministry of Defense spokesman Konacopov revealed on Wednesday (March 2) that since...
2023-09-30 05:43:05
Wu Emergency Department: More than 2,000 civilians have died since Russia's invas
Wu Emergency Department: More than 2,000 civilians have died since Russia's invas
(Morning News) The Ukraine Emergency Department said on Wednesday (March 2) that since the invasion of the country in Russia, more than 2,000 Ukrainian civilians have died, destroying hundreds of buildings, including transportation faciliti...
2023-09-30 05:43:02
Russian paratroopers At the second largest city of Ukraine Halkov Attack Hospital
Russian paratroopers At the second largest city of Ukraine Halkov Attack Hospital
(Morning News) The Ukrainian military said that the Russian paratrooper forces landed on Wednesday (March 2) Halkov in the second largest city in Ukraine, and immediately worked with the Ukraine ground forces.Interchange fire. Agence France...
2023-09-30 05:42:58
The Russian army arrived in Ukraine Holson Sumi and was killed by 70 soldiers
The Russian army arrived in Ukraine Holson Sumi and was killed by 70 soldiers
(Morning News) The Russian army arrived at Hermone, a city in southern Ukraine on Tuesday (March 1), which was close to Crimea, which was controlled by Russia. Agence France -Presse reported that Klehayev, mayor of Kherson, pointed out that...
2023-09-30 05:42:53
Russian Defense Minister: Strategic Missile Unit and the North Fleet Battle Reserve
Russian Defense Minister: Strategic Missile Unit and the North Fleet Battle Reserve
The Russian Ministry of Defense reported on Monday (February 28) that the Russian President Putin, the strategic missile forces, the Northern Fleet and the Pacific Fleet are in a state of combat reserve. According to Interfax, Russian Minis...
2023-09-30 05:42:45
North Korea conducts development and reconnaissance satellite test
North Korea conducts development and reconnaissance satellite test
(Morning News) The Chaozhong News Agency reported on Monday (February 28) that the North Korean National Cosmic Development Bureau and the National Defense Sciences conducted important trials on Sunday in accordance with the reconnaissance...
2023-09-30 05:42:41
North Korea testing quasi -medium -range missiles towards the eastern waters
North Korea testing quasi -medium -range missiles towards the eastern waters
North Korea fired a range of 300 kilometers yesterday and a flight height of about 620 kilometers. It is believed that it is a quasi -medium -range ballistic missile and may fall outside Japan's exclusive economic waters.According to the an...
2023-09-30 05:42:39
British Studies: Crown disease causes patients with patients with atrophy and damage
British Studies: Crown disease causes patients with patients with atrophy and damage
Researchers pointed out that compared with those who are not infected, 0.2%to 2%atrophy in the brain of the patients with crown diseases, and greater cognitive capabilities have also declined when performing complex tasks.Among them, older...
2023-09-30 04:03:03
The Australian Eastern Flood has not slowed down at least 20 people died
The Australian Eastern Flood has not slowed down at least 20 people died
The flood in eastern Australia has caused at least 20 floods for one week.People die, but the disaster has no signs of slowing down.The meteorological prediction released yesterday shows that the weather in Sydney in the next 48 hours is ve...
2023-09-30 04:03:00