(Morning News) The Ukrainian military said that the Russian paratrooper forces landed on Wednesday (March 2) Halkov in the second largest city in Ukraine, and immediately worked with the Ukraine ground forces.Interchange fire.

Agence France -Presse reported that the Ukrainian military sent a message through Telegram that the Russian airborne troops attacked a local hospital after landing and stated that "the invaders are fighting with Ukraine soldiers."

Kharkiv, located in eastern Ukraine, is close to the Russian border. Russian is the main language of the city and has a population of about 1.4 million.Halkov has been the main goal of the Russian army since Russian President Putin announced the invasion of Ukraine on February 24.

According to Reuters, the mayor of Black Sea City Kherson told the local media that Hulson has been surrounded by Russian inspection stations, and local railway stations and ports have fallen into the hands of the Russian army at night.

United Nations: Russian operations have caused 136 U.S. civilians to die

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has now entered the eighth day.The United Nations said the military operations had killed at least 136 civilians in Ukraine, of which 13 deceased believed to be children.

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reports that Sloser, a spokesman for the UN High Commissioner Office, said that the real death is expected to be more.

Slaser pointed out that most of the deceased died of fierce bombing, air strikes and other lethal explosives.In addition, the attack also injured about 400 people.

The number of deaths and injuries provided by the Ukrainian government is more than that. The official statistics show that 352 civilians have been killed in the attack so far, as many as 1,684 wounded.