(Morning News) The World Health Organization now clearly encourages people to vaccinate vaccine addition agents.

The New York Times reported that according to the new guidelines issued by the WHO on Tuesday (March 8), it has given greater affirmation of the benefits of people's vaccine additions, especially, especially, especiallyIt was at the time of Omikon.This amazing variant of transmission can not only avoid vaccine antibodies, but also avoid natural antibodies produced by variants in the early stage of infection.

The WHO issued a statement on the same day: "We strongly support the existing coronary vaccine as an emergency and extensive basic inoculation and additional inoculation, especially the group with severe disease risks."

However, it does not forget to emphasize again that it is necessary to ensure that people in the world's backward areas must complete the importance of completing the basic coronary vaccine.

The WHO only suggested that countries last year that countries were added to vaccine vaccines for those with low immune function, because the initial vaccine could not allow these people to have sufficient immune response to coronal virus.

But many advanced countries have added vaccines to the people, and WHO opposes this.The reason for the WHO is that when the billions of people in poor countries have not even vaccinated the first dose of vaccine, they have allowed wealthy countries to complete an additional dose of vaccine that have completed the basic vaccination.Not moral.