CCTV News Client News, on March 2nd, local time, the Russian Ministry of Defense issued a long announcement notifying the progress of special military operations.

According to the announcement, In Russia's military operations against Ukraine, 489 Russian army died and 1597 were injured.The Ukrainian soldiers and nationalists died 2870, and about 3700 were injured. It was initially confirmed that 572 Ukrainian personnel were captured.

The announcement said that Lugusk and Donetsk continued to advance successfully under the fire support of the Russian army.Donetsk's armed forces have completely surrounded the city of Mali Ukopol, and the Russian army has also newly controlled 4 residents in the Zapolo area.

The announcement pointed out that the Russian army is taking measures to ensure the safety of Ukraine civilians.Ukrainian nationalists continue to deploy armored vehicles and cannons in residential areas, including heavy weapons such as multi -rocket launchers, and use civilians' cover preparations to launch provocations.

The Russian Ministry of Defense said that Russian armed forces continued to crack down on Ukrainian military infrastructure. Since the beginning of the special action, there were 1,533 military infrastructure of Ukraine, including 54 commanders, 39 S-300s, Sham Chemical M-1 and Hornet air defense missile systems, and 52 radar stations.In addition, the Russian army also destroyed 47 ground aircraft, shot down 13 aircraft, destroyed 484 tanks and armored vehicles, 63 multi -tube rockets, 217 artillery and mortar, 336 military vehicles and 47 drones.

The Russian Ministry of Defense also called on the citizens of Kiev in Ukraine to leave the city as soon as possible in the direction of Vasilikov. Russian soldiers have not set up any obstacles to the evacuation of civilians.The Russian Ministry of Defense said that a similar safety corridor has also been established in the direction of Liu Bojing, southwest of Harkov.

According to the information held by the Russian Ministry of Defense, a large number of Indian students who hoped to leave Ukraine to go to Belgrod, Russia were forcibly detained by the Ukrainian authorities in Halkov.Russia claims that these students are actually deducted as hostages. Ukraine requires them to cross the Ukrainian territory through the Ukrainian Polish border.The Russian Ministry of Defense said that the Russian army has prepared all necessary measures to safely evacuate Indian citizens. It can use the Russian transport aircraft or Indian aircraft to send Indian students back to India from Russia.

Ukraine has not yet responded to relevant content.

Russia's latest news

The Russian Ministry of Defense announced the establishment of a humanitarian response headquarters to provide assistance to Ukraine and other places

On the 2nd of local time, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that the humanitarian response headquarters was established on the Ukrainian situation. The main task was to provide humanitarian assistance to Lugusk, Donetsk and other parts of Ukraine.

Metizi, head of the Russian delegation: The topic of the Russian and Ukraine talks includes ceasefire

On March 2nd, local time, before the second round of Russia and Ukraine talks, Mizetki, head of the Russian delegation, told the media that the issue of the Russian -Ukraine talks included ceasefire.

On the afternoon of the 2nd, the Russian delegation arrived in the second round of Russia and Ukraine. Belloville Forest on the Bailbo border.

Earlier that day, the Ukrainian delegation confirmed to participate in the second round of Russia and Ukraine.

Russian Foreign Minister: Russia is ready to discuss security guarantee issues in the second round of Russia and Ukraine negotiations

On March 2nd, local time, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said Russia was preparing to discuss security guarantee in the second round of negotiations with Ukraine.

Lavrov said that some people want to put Russia into the conflict created by the West in Ukraine.If the West decides to pull a new iron curtain in front of Russia, Russia will not worry about it, and Russia can find development opportunities.After the conflict is over, the Ukrainians must decide how to continue living.NATO is trying to attract neutral EU member states to meet their needs.

Lavrov believes that the statement of Ukraine President Zessaki is a positive step.The current situation is caused by Western refusal to recognize Russia's equal rights in organizing European security structure.The fate of Beixi-2 clearly shows the status and non-independent status of Europe occupied by Europe on the world stage.

Lavrov said that Russia's demands cannot be considered to be required to surrender, and Russia suggested that negotiations solve problems.

Lavrov also said that there is no mechanism to deprive the Russian UN Security Council.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs denies expelition of American ambassadors

On the 2nd of local time, in response to some Russian media reports on Russia's expelction of the US ambassador, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs conducted rumors that Russia was still formulating anti -sanctions and did not decide to expel the US ambassador.

Earlier, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that Russia would respond to the U.S. deportation of the United States to the United Nations diplomats by reducing the quota in Russia in Russia.

Russian President and Indian Prime Minister's phone call discusses the issue of Indian citizen evacuation who stayed in Ukraine

On March 2, local time, Russian President Putin and Indian Prime Minister Modi called.The two sides discussed the evacuation of Indian college students trapped in Harkov, Ukraine.Putin said that Russia would evacuate the trapped Indian students to Russia through humanitarian channels as soon as possible.

The latest news

The General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces said that the Russian army has launched more than 180 missiles

According to Ukrainian media quoted the report released by the General Staff of the Ukraine Armed Forces on the 2nd, since Russia launched military operations on Ukraine, the Russian army has launched more than 180 missiles in Ukraine, Ukraine military facilities, civil infrastructure and settlement residentsThe district also suffered major losses.

The report also said that on the 2nd, as many as 30 fighters violated Ukrainian airspace, and the fighters were mainly from Belarus.

Members of the Ukrainian delegation denied that Ukraine's negotiations will be held in the Forest Forest of Bolovir

Alahamia, chairman of the party members of the Ukrainian People's Public Servant Council, said on the 2nd that the negotiations between Ukraine and the Russian delegation will not be held in the Buerviri Forest in Belarus.Not in line with facts.

According to Ukraine International Telecommunications Agency, Alahamia issued a post on social media that U -Russia does conduct a second round of negotiations, but the location of the negotiation is another place.He said that all details will be released later.

Merkinsky, head of the Russian delegation and presidential assistant, said on the 2nd that the Russian delegation has arrived at the negotiating place in Breaster, Belarus to prepare to conduct a second round of negotiations with the Ukraine delegation.He said that Russia and Ukraine decided to hold talks in the Forest Forest.The staff of the Ukrainian delegation have left Kiev and will arrive at the negotiating location on the 3rd local time.

According to news from the Ukrainian Presidential Office on the 2nd, the Utongwan News Agency reported that the Ukrainian delegation was on the way to Belowei Forest, but the President's Office did not disclose more details.

On February 28, a delegation from the Russia and Ughals held its first negotiations after Russia conducted a special military operation in Gemoli, Belarus.After the negotiations, Mekinsky told the media that the Russian and Ukraine representatives discussed all the issues on the agenda in detail, and found some issues that both parties predicted to reach a consensus, and agreed to continue the negotiations.

Ukraine has closed its Consulate General in St. Petersburg, Russia

On March 2, local time, Ukraine has closed its Consulate General in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Ukrainian flag in the Ukrainian embassy in Russia has fallen

On March 2nd, local time, the Ukrainian flag in the Ukraine Embassy in Russia has dropped.

Latest news of third parties

The UN General Assembly Special Meeting passed the draft of the Ukrainian situation resolution

On March 2nd, local time, members of the 11th Emergency Special Conference (ESS, EmergencySpeCialSession) in the United Nations Conference voted for voting and passed the draft resolution of the Ukrainian situation jointly submitted by more than 90 countries such as Ukraine.

In the voting, 141 votes, 5 votes opposed, and 35 votes abstained.Because the admission ticket exceeds two -thirds of the valid ticket, the draft resolution is passed.Russia, Syria, Belarus, North Korea, and Eritrea voted against it, and China voted abstrams.

Zhang Jun, a resident representative of China, said in his explanation speech after voting that the situation in Ukraine is still changing sharply, and the development of the situation is distressing.The basic position of China on the Ukrainian issue is consistent and clear.We always advocate respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of various countries, and to peacefully resolve international disputes in accordance with the purpose and principles of the United Nations Charter.The most important thing at present is to alleviate the current situation as much as possible, avoid conflict upgrades or even out of control.Russia and Ukraine have held their first round of negotiations. Although there are differences, both sides have shown their willingness to continue the negotiations.We welcome this.Faced with a very complex and sensitive situation, China once again called on the international community to adhere to political solution to the general direction and create favorable atmosphere and conditions for the party's direct conversation between negotiations.

Zhang Jun said that any actions taken by the United Nations and related parties must focus on regional peace and stability, focusing on the general security of all parties, and play a positive role in cooling the tension and promoting diplomacy.Unfortunately, the draft resolution that just submitted this emergency special United University's vote did not conduct full consultations within the scope of all member states in advance, and did not comprehensively consider the historical latitude and complicated contradictions behind the current crisis.The importance of does not highlight the urgency of promoting political solution and increasing diplomatic efforts.These are inconsistent with the stance of the Chinese side's consistent persistence. We have to vote for the draft of the resolution.

Zhang Jun reiterated that the ultimate resolution of the Ukrainian crisis must still abandon the Cold War thinking, abandon the logic of maintaining its own security at the cost of harming other countries, and abandoning the practice of expanding the security of military groups.In the end, a balanced, effective and sustainable European security mechanism is formed through negotiations.Blind pressure and tailoring, creating division confrontation, will only lead to more complicated situations, so that the crisis has a negative impact on a rapidly overflowing, and even affects more countries.We call on the international community to promote the relevant parties to return to the orbit of political solutions as soon as possible in a responsible attitude, and seek a comprehensive resolution of the Ukrainian issue through dialogue and negotiation.China is willing to continue to play a constructive role for this.

On February 25, the UN Security Council voted on the draft resolution of the Ukrainian situation submitted by the United States and Albania. The draft resolution was rejected due to the opposition of Russia's opposition.Then on February 27, the Security Council voted to decide to hold an emergency special meeting for the UN General Assembly.Compared with the former Security Council's rejection of the draft, the United University's resolution requires that in addition to Russia's immediately, thorough, and unconditional withdrawal from Ukraine, it has also added relevant provisions for Belarus.

Before voting, starting from February 28, the 76th Nations Chairman of the University of the United Nations, the United Nations Secretary -General Guterres, and representatives of 122 countries and organizations made speeches.The Secretary -General of the United Nations calls for immediately to stop the fire and ensure humanitarian assistance.Russia and Ukraine have been tit -for -tat and accusing each other at the conference.

Because the UN General Assembly decision has no legal binding power to the member states except for some of the UN operating projects, the implementation of the resolution needs to be observed.

The White House announced the latest sanctions on Russia and Belarus

On March 2, the White House local time announced a series of details for the latest economic sanctions on Russia and Belarus, including export control policies for Belarus to prevent technology software and technology from flowing into Russia through Belarus.

The White House said the move will seriously limit the ability of Russia and Belarus (for the military operations).At the same time, the United States and its allies are sanctioned by 22 Russian defense -related entities, including companies that provide technical and material support for the Russian military.U.S. Secretary of State Brosky said at a press conference at the State Council on the same day that national defense -related entities include companies to manufacture fighters, infantry and chariots, missiles, drones and electronic warfare systems.

In addition, the United States and the allies that jointly sanctions against Russia also aimed at the technology exports of the Russian refining industry. It plans to sanction the oil refining industry to achieve the purpose of restricting the Russian oil industry while protecting American consumers.

Vice Chairman of the Sudan Sovereign Commission: Sudan and Russia will launch bilateral cooperation in many ways

On the 2nd of local time, the vice chairman of the Sudan sovereign committee, Daklul, ended Russia's visit to Sudan and held a press conference.He said that Soviet Russia would launch bilateral cooperation in all aspects of politics, military, economic and trade.The Soviet Union and Russia will also exchange experience in the national security and counter -terrorism field, carry out cooperation, and organize training.

Dark Lu once again emphasized that the Soviet Union hopes that the two countries hope that the two countries can relieve the crisis through negotiation dialogue.

JP Morgan Chase: Sanctions have greatly increased the possibility of Russian debt defaults

Morgan Chase said on March 2, local time that the sanctions of the United States and Western countries on Russia have greatly increased the possibility of Russia's debt defaults. The anti -sanctions measures implemented by Russia and the interruption of the payment chain also paid bonds in Russia to bonds abroad.A high obstacle came.

According to Morgan Chase data, Russia will have a total of more than $ 700 million in March, most of which have a wide range of 30 days, and some American experts believe that Russia may punish the United States and Europe through intentional breach of contract to press itBroken its economy.

Some US airlines announced that their flights would avoid Russian airspace

On March 2nd, local time, United Airlines said that its company's flight will avoid Russian airspace. In the next few days, two routes to the United States and India will be canceled in the next few days, and some routes will be changed to bypass Russia's airspace.Damimi Airlines also said that part of its company's flight to Asia will no longer fly through Russia.

Japan Toyota Motor will suspend the car production in St. Petersburg, Russia from 4th.

On March 2nd, local time, Japan Toyota Motor Company decided that it would be suspended from the 4th on the 4th due to confusion in the supply chain.

WHO transports a batch of basic medical supplies to Ukraine

The World Health Organization stated on March 2 that it was deeply concerned about Ukraine's health facilities and transported a number of basic medical products to Ukraine.

The WHO will continue to evaluate the impact of Russia -Ukraine's conflict on the health and its health systems, and has transported basic medical supplies to Ukraine through its logistics center in Dubai.The first batch of materials are expected to arrive in Poland on the 3rd on the 3rd local time.Earlier, WHO allocated $ 5.2 million for purchasing and transporting emergency medical supplies, and distributed to 23 Ukraine hospitals.

The WHO also pointed out that Ukraine has previously experienced a surge in new crown pneumonia. Its domestic medical oxygen has a serious shortage, and at least three major oxygen making plants have been closed.Nowadays, large -scale population flows may accelerate the spread of the virus, which has also increased the pressure of neighboring health systems.

The United States has provided hundreds of pieces to UkraineSting air defense missile

On March 2nd, local time, according to sources, the United States has provided hundreds of poisonous air defense missiles to Ukraine this week.Among them, more than 200 missiles arrived in Ukraine within a single day on February 28.

Earlier, the U.S. government authorized the Three Kingdoms of the Baltic Sea to provide U.S. -made weapons to Ukraine.This week, the United States first provided the anti -aircraft air defense missile directly to Ukraine.

On the 2nd, U.S. Secretary of State Brills said that as of now, Ukraine still has successfully received weapons provided by other countries.

Spain will transport the first batch of military materials to Ukraine

On March 2, local time, the Spanish National Defense Minister Ravelce announced that Spain will use two military planes to transport the first batch of military materials to Ukraine on March 4, including 1370 grenades and 700,000 for it forThe ammunition barrel of rifles and machine guns.

Spain has previously transported medical materials, helmets, bulletproof vests and other defensive materials to Ukraine.In addition, the Spanish military and health authorities also provide a number of beds in military hospitals for treatment of Ukraine wounded.

Turkish humanitarian aid supplies arrive in Ukraine and Moldova

On March 2nd, local time, the Turkish Disaster and Emergency Administration issued a statement saying that 5 trucks with Turkish humanitarian aid supplies have arrived in Ukraine, and 3 truck assistance supplies are transported to Moldori, neighbors of Ukraine.Food, personal care products, blankets, beds and tents.The United Nations stated that at least 80,000 Ukrainian refugees were poured into the local area.

The statement said that humanitarian aids of the Turkish Disaster and Emergency Administration have been distributing assistance supplies at the border between Romania and Ukraine.Another group consisting of 11 people continues to evaluate the needs of Ukrainian human videos and coordinate civil assistance.

Earlier, high -level officials such as the Turkish Defense Minister and Foreign Minister have repeatedly stated that Turkey will provide humanitarian assistance to Ukraine. As of now, many batches of supplies have arrived in Ukraine.

EU approves sanctions on Belarus

EU's rotating chairman of the country France announced on March 2nd, local time, and announced through social media that the European Union decided to impose sanctions on Belarus on the grounds that Russia supports Russia's special military operations on Ukraine.

Sanctions are mainly forbidden to export products such as wood, steel and potassium fertilizers in Belarus to EU countries.

The European Union also said that Belarusian officials participating in the Russian military operations will also be sanctioned.

Data Source: CCTV News Client