(Shanghai / Beijing Comprehensive News) Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Huawei, said that Huawei has completed more than 13,000 alternative development of the US embargo in the past three years and redesigned the 4,000 circuit boards of the product. He emphasized that he emphasized that he emphasizedI am still "not anti -beauty."

On Friday (March 17) of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Ren Zhengfei was released on the official website of Ren Zhengfei on the seminar held at the school on February 24th.This symposium was mainly experts and scholars who resolved the industrial problems released by Huawei.

Ren Zhengfei said at the meeting that the supply of domestic parts of China has stabilized the production of Huawei circuit boards.However, he did not explain in detail which components in Huawei circuit boards were purchased in China, and the proportion of the total supply of these components in Huawei.

Agence France -Presse and Reuters analysis shows that the above data shows Huawei's efforts in dealing with US trade sanctions.

Out of concerns about cybersecurity and spy behaviors, the U.S. government has launched measures to sanctions as a 5G communication network supplier since 2019.The Trump administration banned American companies from doing business with Huawei, while the Bayeng government further banned Huawei new equipment from selling in the United States.

Bloomberg previously reported that the United States was reviewing existing permits to Huawei exports, and the Bayeng government considered completely cutting off Huawei's contact with US suppliers.

US sanctions make Huawei unable to obtain chips from US suppliers, nor can they obtain American technical tools to design chips independently, and then they are produced by partners.This forced Huawei to have a different approach to obtain components required for semiconductor and other production products.

Ren Zhengfei: To be the most advanced must learn the advanced person

Ren Zhengfei acknowledged at the meeting that the United States is "still amazing" in the computer industry, and advanced chip manufacturing is still in difficulty in China. Huawei uses other methods to make up for the backwardness of the chip. The company is still in a difficult period now.

Ren Zhengfei said that Huawei did not stop on the road of moving forward.In 2022, Huawei's research and development funding was US $ 23.8 billion (S $ 31.9 billion). In a few years, as the company's profits increased, investment will continue to increase investment in cutting -edge exploration.

When talking about the United States, Ren Zhengfei said that he worshiped the West when he was young because Western technology was very developed.After the founding of Huawei, he realized that "the best products in the world to create the best parts and tools in the world", many of the best parts in the world come from the United States.But then suddenly was sanctioned, Huawei could not obtain relevant parts and tools.

Ren Zhengfei said that he is not anti -beauty now. "We want to be the most advanced, we must learn from all advanced people. The soft power of the United States in science and education is still not available in China for decades."