(Hong Kong / Washington Comprehensive News) Affected by China's strict epidemic prevention and tension Sino -US relations, the United States has dropped sharply to the lowest point in more than 20 years, with only 382 in the 2020 to 2021 school year.

According to the data released by the US Education Center (Educationusa) under the US State Department, the number of students from the 2020 to 2021 school year is less than one -sixth of the 2481 people in the previous year, compared with the 11,639 people from the 2018 to 2019 school year.It even reduced by nearly 97%.

At the same time, affected by the epidemic, the total number of students in the United States has also dropped from more than 150,000 from 2019 to 2020 to 14,210 the following year.

China has turned off the border for three years in January this year to remove the biggest obstacles to the entry of international students, but affected by other factors such as the increasingly tense geopolitical disputes in Sino -US relations, the industry is expected to be restored in the short term of the industry in China.Before the epidemic level.

Cameron Johnson, a professor at the Shanghai International Campus of New York University, said that the outside world not only worried that China might re -implement border control, the United States continued to deepen China, but also allowed American students to avoid China.He believes that this will lead to the increasing understanding of China.

Scholars: reduced folk exchanges between the two countries or exacerbated geopolitical competition

Some scholars are worried that the decrease in civil exchanges in the world's largest economies in the world may further exacerbate geopolitical competition.

David Moser, a professor of linguistics at Beijing Capital Normal University, said that many American students have passed for the "golden age" of curiosity to China.

The number of Chinese students going to the United States has also decreased in recent years.According to the official data released by the United States, there are about 318,000 Chinese students studying in American universities from 2020 to 2021, a decrease of 14%from two years ago.

American students choose to avoid China, which will lead to the increasing understanding of China.

—— Professor Jonson, Shanghai International Campus, New York University