(Observer News) February 8 this year is the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Korean People's Army.According to a report on February 8th, North Korean leader Kim Jong -un will bring his daughter to the Dormitory of the People's Army on February 7 to celebrate the arrival of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Army.Yonhap News Agency said that Kim Jong -un's daughter is Kim Lord Ai (transliteration).

According to the DPRK, Kim Jong -un came to the dormitory with his respectful daughter.The Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the North Korean Workers' Party, Jin Dexun, Zhao Yiyuan, Li Bingzhe and other party and government leaders attended them together.

On February 7, Kim Jong -un (front row right), chairman of the North Korean State Council, brought his daughter (in the front row) to visit the Dormitory of the People's Army.The picture shows Kim Jong -un, his wife Li Xuezhu (front row left), and Kim Lord love to take a photo with the participants at the celebration of the banquet.Photo source: Chaozhong Society

After visiting the dormitory, Kim Jong -un attended the banquet and delivered a speech.In his speech, Kim Jong -un said that in such a difficult environment, the reason why the North Korean army was able to make power is because the fifth and sixth generations of the revolution, as always, inherit the lofty mission and strong spirit of the first generation of revolutionary force.

I believe that the older generation of loyalty dedication has been inherited to a new generation of commanders and officers and soldiers.Although it is great to develop, inheritance is also great.Based on this, our army has become the strongest army in the world and responds to the call of the times and history.