In response to whether China demands to the United States to return unmanned airship fragments and equipment that has been shot down by the other party, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded that unmanned airships that were shot down in the United States belonged to China.

At the regular press conference held in Beijing on Tuesday (February 7), a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, a spokesman for the US National Security Council, John Kerbir, on February 6,The fragments and equipment of the balloon are returned to China. Whether China makes or ask questions about the United States or plans to make relevant requirements and make the above response.

Mao Ning said: "I can say that this airship is not in the United States, it is China. The Chinese government will continue to firmly safeguard their legitimate rights and interests."This airship has said many times."I want to emphasize that, first of all, China's unmanned airship is a civilian nature. It is entirely because force majeure has fallen into the United States' airspace. This is an accident that does not pose a threat to the US personnel and national security."For this type of incident, the United States should have dealt with it properly in a calm, professional, and non -force manner, but the United States insists on using force to significantly overdo the response.