After the United States shot down China's high altitude balloon, the Chinese government had a serious negotiation to the heads of the U.S. embassy in China to criticize the efforts and processes of the United States' serious impact and damage to the stable Sino -US relations between the two sides.The scholars of interviewees analyzed that the atmosphere of Sino -US relations before the Chinese government was re -elected in March, and the atmosphere of Sino -US relations was expected to continue to be dignified.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, the Chinese vice foreign minister Xie Feng was ordered on behalf of the Chinese government on Sunday, and filed a serious negotiation to the head of the US embassy in China on the attack of the Chinese civilian unmanned airship.

China Deputy Foreign Minister: Mistaken is caused by irresistivational incidents

Xie Feng reiterated that the private airships of the civilian unmanned airship into the United States "are completely accidental and occasional incidents caused by force majeure.The abuse of force is obviously over -reaction, which seriously violates the spirit of international law and international practice.

He criticized the efforts and processes of stabilizing Sino -US relations since the Sino -US relations have been stabilized since the meeting of the United States' serious impact and damage to the Chinese and American dollar.

On behalf of the Chinese government, he proposed to resolutely oppose and strongly protest, and urged the United States to not adopt further action to harm the interests of China and not to upgrade and expand tensions.He said that the Chinese government is paying close attention to the development of the situation, will resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises, resolutely defend the interests and dignity of the Chinese side, and reserve the right to make further necessary reactions.

U.S. Secretary of State Brills originally scheduled to start two days of visit to China on Sunday, but about a week before leaving, the United States led the air and found that China ’s high -altitude balloons were suspected to be spy.Brinken temporarily announced its extension of visiting China on Friday. The American fighter jet shot down the Chinese balloon over the United States for many days on Saturday. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of National Defense Tan Kefei subsequently protested.

Zhang Deng, director of the Department of Political Science, Taiwan University, and the analysis of the United Morning Post interviews that China ’s risk of countermeasures will mainly be in the South China Sea.

He analyzed that China may not confuse the balloon incident with the Taiwan and the East China Sea issues.Will China take a tough action as a revenge on the balloon incident?These issues are worth observing.

He Zien, assistant professor of the Nanyang University of Science and Technology, Singapore Nanyang University of Technology, believes that unless the incident is further upgraded, it is believed that China will not take tough countermeasures.At present, Chinese public opinion generally believes that it is a small problem in the United States. If China returns teeth with teeth, in the eyes of domestic public opinion, China may not continue to stand on the moral high.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning reiterated at a regular press conference on Monday that China has always maintained communication with the United States, clearly requesting the United States to properly handle it in a calm, professional, and restrained manner.Information and situation.

Mao Ning said that the incident tests the United States' sincerity of stability and improvement of Sino -US relations and the way to deal with crises.She called on the United States to properly control the differences, avoid misunderstanding and misjudgments, and destroy mutual trust.

It was discovered by the United States that Zhengfei Yueyue Latin America was confirmed to be from China

Mao Ning also confirmed that another balloon in the US Pentagon found that another balloon in Latin America was also from China.She emphasized that the unmanned airship is a civilian nature and is used for flight tests.Affected by the climate and limited control capabilities, the airship was seriously deviated from the scheduled route and mistakenly entered the Latin America and the Caribbean.

Zhang Deng and the judgment, this year is the beginning of the Chinese -style modernization after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The stability of the external environment is very important to Beijing.Principles handle events.

However, the public opinion in China and the United States has been stirred. Zhang Dengzhang believes that the atmosphere of Sino -US relations will continue to be dignified before the Chinese government's general change in March, but the two countries may maintain contact in the fields of climate and trade.The contact of results is an important cooling step, showing that the two sides can also keep the dialogue channels unblocked. "