Abu, commander of the Philippine Coast Guard, revealed that the Coast Guard has introduced more advanced ships, including purchasing a 97 -meter -long multifunctional patrol ship last year, soThe number of patrols, duration and scope of the South China Sea.

(Manila Comprehensive) Commander of the Philippine Coast Guard revealed that the Philippines has increased its patrols in the South China Sea and dispatched more ships to the seas where this sovereign is controversial.

The Philippine Coast Guard Commander Abu on Monday (February 6) said in an interview with Reuters: "We must ensure that (the Philippines) fishermen who work in that area (South China) can feel the existence of the coastal guards.... As long as a order, the coast guard ship will arrive immediately, because that is their only basic task. "

The Philippine Coast Guard has 26,000 people and 25 vessels that can perform patrol missions.Abu said that the Coast Guard has introduced more advanced ships, including the purchase of a 97 -meter -long multifunctional patrol ship last year, which allows the coast guard to increase the number, length and scope of patrols in the South China Sea.

The execution of the Philippine Navy frigates was intercepted by Chinese migrant ships

The Philippines and Chinese ships have recently rubbed in succession in the South China Sea.Bloomberg quoted a spokesman for the Philippine Coast Guard on Monday that the Philippine Navy Bonifer's frigates were performed near the Mischief Reef in the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Philippines 200 nautical miles.Two Chinese maritime police ships and two militia ships were monitored and followed, and Chinese militia vessels "even intercepted."

The Philippine Coast Guard also reported last month that a Philippine fishing boat was driven by the Chinese Maritime Police Ship in the Second Thomas Shoal in South China.Renai Reef is located 194 kilometers west of Balawwan, Philippines, and is within the scope of China's sovereignty.

Bloomberg reported that more Chinese ships have recently appeared on the west coast of the Philippines, which has made the relationship between Manila and Beijing.Chinese vessels are also often seen and intercepted the Philippine fishing vessels, forcing them to leave the seas of disputes in sovereignty.

The tension of the South China Sea heated again, prompting the Philippines to seek cooperation with the United States to strengthen cooperation in this sea area.When the US Secretary of Defense Austin and the Philippine Defense Secretary Galwes met last Thursday (February 2), they agreed to restore joint patrols in the South China Sea.The joint tour was suspended by President Duterte in 2016.

Galvis Sunday (February 5) said that the patrol of the Philippine Maritime co -patrol can help reduce the invasion and harassment of the Western Philippines Sea.

According to the Philippine Star report, Galwes emphasized that the Philippines and like -like countries together believe that the Pacific of India should ensure freedom, peace, and stability.He said: "As a member of the international community, we have the responsibility to defend the global public domain ... ensure that the important maritime traffic line is opened."

The US -Philippine Defense also announced last week to expand the US -Philippine strengthening of defense cooperation agreements in 2014. The Philippines agreed to open up four more military bases for U.S. military use. As a result, the United States' base in the Philippines increased to nine.

Galvis said that Philippine expands defense cooperation and restores maritime joint patrols, which is in line with President President President President President President President President President "friendly with everyone and not having an enemy".

The Philippine President President Little Marco said in an interview a few days ago that the Philippines would not give up the sovereignty of sovereignty in the South China Sea.When he met with Chinese official last month, the two countries agreed to respect each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity.