(Morning News) Russia urgently condemned the referendum in Russia in four Ukrainian territories, and the United States called Russia's referendum" signs of weakness ".

Bridget Brink, a US Ambassador to Ukraine, tweeted on Wednesday (September 21), "False referendum and mobilization are signs of weakness in Russia's failure."

It is reported that the Putin's referendum plan has made the market disturbing, and the risk aversion has boosted US public debt, gold and US dollars, and the Russian stock market has fallen to the lowest point since February this year.

Russian President Putin made a national television speech on Wednesday that it will conduct some military mobilization in Russia in order to "liberate" the Donbas region in eastern Ukraine."The urgent and necessary steps of the territorial integrity".

Putin said that Western uses nuclear weapons to extortion Russia.He also warned that once the integrity of the Russian territory is threatened, the Russian side will use all the availability methods, "this is not a virtual momentum."

The Russian Minister of Defense Sho Guru stated on the same day that 300,000 warfarers will be called, saying that this is only a small part of Russia's call.

In addition, Shayg has rarely publicly recognized Russia's military losses.

Shogu said: Since Russia launched military operations in February, more than 5937 Russian soldiers were killed in Ukraine. Russia in Ukraine "rather than fighting with Ukraine, it is better to fight with Western collectives."Essence