(Beijing / Taipei Comprehensive News) After Perosi, Speaker of the US House of Representatives, visited Taiwan, the U.S. military once focused on the reconnaissance focus on the surrounding areas of Taiwan.One of them.

Chinese and foreign scholars headquarters in Beijing "South China Sea Strategic Situment Performance Plan" on Friday (September 2) posted on Weibo that the U.S. military dispatched a total of 46 large -scale reconnaissance planes to the South China Sea to conduct close reconnaissance to ChinaCompared with the number of reconnaissance planes in July, the number of reconnaissance planes decreased by about one -third.

According to the network analysis, the reason for the decrease in the US military reconnaissance aircraft may be that after Perosi visited Taiwan, the U.S. military focused on the reconnaissance focus on the surrounding area of Taiwan.

In early August, the Mainland Military Army launched a "encirclement" military exercise for Pelosi to visit Taiwan. The U.S. military was also found to send multiple reconnaissance and early warning planes to go to the airspace around Taiwan.

The South China Sea Strategic Situment Performance Planning at the time of the US military's move: "These trends also show that today's PLA exercises will be more complex and exciting."

According to the Voice of America Saturday (September 3), the public information of the Taiwan Air Defense identification zone tracking the database collection of illegal tracking databases shows that in August alone, the Taiwan military tracked 444 flights to the main military aircraft in the air defense identification area.It was more than twice the 196 flight records set in October last year.In addition, from September 2020 to the end of July 2022, the main military aircraft only flew over the Taiwan Strait midline in total, and the number of flights to the middle line in August was 300 times.

Bonnie Glaser, director of the Asian Project of the Marshall Foundation in the United States, pointed out: "The People's Republic of China wiped off the central line of the Strait, and the (PLA) naval ships and aircraft were flying over it almost every day. They tried to exhaust Taiwan.The energy of pilots and maintenance staff, and instill a psychological despair among the people. "

She predicts that mainland China may continue to conduct more exercises in order to reduce Taiwan's activity space and question Taiwan's proposition to the air defense identification zone and exclusive economic zone.