Xie Feng, deputy minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, said that the United States will treat the United Nations Convention on the Ocean Law as a tool for other countries. He wants to enjoy institutional dividends, but he is unwilling to bear obligations. He is not qualified to talk about the Convention.

According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Xie Feng was interviewed by the media during the 40th Anniversary International Seminar of the United Nations Marine Law Convention on Thursday (September 1).

Xie Feng criticized the United States as early as the concern of the convention negotiations, disregarding the concerns of developing countries, opposed the international submarine and its resources belonging to the joint inheritance of human beings, and manufacturing obstacles to the convention.

Xie Feng said that the United States opposed the exclusive economic zone system proposed by developing countries during the negotiations, but advocated the world's largest exclusive economic zone seas after the convention was introduced.He criticized the United States that he emphasized that he was not limited by the convention's procedure, but advocated the convention and regarded the Convention as a tool for other countries.

Xie Feng criticized the true purpose of the United States to produce the "freedom of navigation" is to "resist the exclusive economic zone of the Convention on the Convention, safeguard the US ocean hegemony, and allow the US warships to continue the ocean without restrictions and overbearing". "EssenceHe also criticized the United States to undergo the guise of "freedom of navigation" to challenge the proposition of maritime in other countries. There is no international law, including the basis of marine law.

Xie Feng said that China's position in the South China Sea claims that there is a historical and legal basis, and there is no problem in the past, present, and future of HNA China HNA Bank.He criticized that the United States challenged the claims of other countries, threatened the security and marine rights and interests of other countries, violated general international law principles such as no use of force, and tried to continue to implement the "jungle law" at sea, which would be opposed by the international community including China.