The U.S. government said on Friday (September 2) that the White House will continue to conduct a legal review of tariffs on goods in China, but during the review, the US government will continue to impose tariffs on China.

According to Reuters, the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) stated in a federal notice that the office has received opinions from US companies and other parties in the spring and summer.And request.

USSTR says that according to the 1974 trading law of the US -imposed tariffs, USTR will review the tariffs on China, but this process may take several months.

During the approval, the Bayeng government will not revoke measures to levy tariffs on Chinese goods.

With the continuous rise in US inflation pressure, the Bayeng government has been considering canceling tariffs on some Chinese goods in recent months to slow down some inflation pressure.

But Reuters reported last month that after the US House of Representatives Perosi visited Taiwan, mainland China launched military operations around Taiwan, and the U.S. government temporarily put on this agenda discussion.