(Beijing News) Xie Feng, deputy minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, said that the United States has turned the United Nations Convention on the Marine Law into a tool that is discredited and containing other countries. He only wants to enjoy institutional dividends, but he is unwilling to bear obligations.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Xie Feng attended an exclusive interview with CCTV during the 40th anniversary international seminar on Thursday (September 1) at the UN Oceanic Law Convention., And continue to increase the question of "freedom of navigation" and challenge China's rights in the South China Sea, and make the above response.

Xie Feng criticized the United States as early as the convention negotiation, regardless of the concerns of developing countries, opposed the international underwater and its resources, which belonged to the joint property of humans, and said obstacles to the convention.The exclusive economic zone system has advocated the world's largest exclusive economic zone seas after the Convention was introduced.

He directly criticized the United States that he emphasized that he was not limited by the convention procedure, but advocated the convention supremacy.

Xie Feng said that the true purpose of the United States to create "freedom of navigation" is to "resist the exclusive economic zone of the Convention, safeguard the US marine hegemony, and allow the US warships to continue to be overlooked in the ocean."

U.S. will not move under the guise of "freedom of sailing" to challenge the proposition of maritime in other countries. There is no international law, including the basis of marine law.

He criticized that the US military power challenged the claims of other countries, threatened the security and marine rights and interests of other countries, and violated the general international law principles such as non -use force.Essence