(Morning News) The floods in Pakistan have spread to more areas, and 80 areas in the disaster area have added eight more disaster areas.

Bloomberg reported that the Pakistani Planning Minister Ahsan Iqbal (September 3) said by phone that the heavy rain attacked the unrefined area in northern Pakistan and caused a large -scale flood.The flood spread to the southern Xinde Province.

He said: "The situation has not improved yet ... We are still in the stage of rescue and relief."

The rainfall in South Asian countries has reached the highest in the past 30 years, about three points, about three pointsOne of the land flooded in the flood.Extreme weather has caused more than 1,200 people to die, and economic losses are estimated to be $ 10 billion (S $ 14 billion).

The flood caused 33 million people to be affected and more than 1 million houses were damaged.Ikbar said that due to drainage problems, the affected areas are expected to have a long period of time to restore the normal state.

The United Nations World Health Organization has issued alarm on the disaster -invigorating areas such as cholera, typhoid fever and other infectious diseases.