(Morning News) Russia said that Britain claims that Russia has not attended the" moral rights "of the G20 summit at the G20 summit, which is a" hypocritical "remark.

Reuters reported that the Russian Embassy in London issued a statement on Monday (August 22) saying: "Britain itself has participated in NATO allies in NATO's illegal illegalAnd aggressive military operations, but now this kind of remarks, we think it is too hypocritical. "

A spokesman for the British Foreign Ministry said on the 19th:" The Ukrainian war is not attached to the day, and Russia has not attended the G20 summitMoral rights. "

This year's G20 Summit will be held on November 15th and 16th in Bali, Indonesia. Indonesia is the G20 round of chairman country of the year.

Indonesian President Zokko has confirmed that Russian President Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping have promised to attend .Zoko also invited Ukrainian President Zelekiski to participate in this summit. Ukraine is not a member of the G20.