(Morning News) South Korea ’s Ministry of Defense Sunday (August 21) stated that South Korea and the United States will hold the joint military exercise“ B Branks Free Protection of the B Branks Free Protection from August 22 to September 1st.Shield "(UFS).Earlier, North Korea and the United States have begun four -day preparation work on the 16th.

The Ministry of National Defense said that during the joint exercise, the government and the army will be proficient in the government -level crisis control and joint combat support process under the United Korean United States Defense Mechanism.It will also return to the shrinking -scale Korean and American co -acting and training to return to normal, and further strengthen the strong alliance relations and joint defense trends of South Korea and the United States.

Yonhap News Agency reported that the joint performance will reflect new changes in war forms such as drone attacks and cyber warfare, and adopt the actual combat script that may occur during war.Based on the assumptions of major industrial facilities such as the enemy attack port, airport, semiconductor factory and other national key facilities, the implementation of the protection and reconstruction drills jointly participated by the people, officials, military, and police.

Han Mei will also evaluate the full use capacity (FOC) of future joint commands according to the "conditional transfer warrior combat command plan" during the exercise to meet the prerequisites for command transfer.

North Korea has always performed a threat to North Korea as hostility to North Korea.On August 17, when North Korea was in office for 100 days, North Korea set up two cruise missiles Experts believe that North Korea's move is a joint Korean -American military exercise from the 22nd.