The American film imported from China has gradually decoupled, which has gradually decoupled the Sino -US film market, and the narrowing of the Chinese and American folk cultural exchange channels.Last year, a number of American blockbusters sold in the global box office could not enter the Chinese market, and many foreign media pointed their spectacles to China's increasingly tightening review of American films.

The number of American films imported by China has reduced half of the past three years, which has caused foreign media to have a wave of criticism of China ’s strengthening of the review of American films.Some public opinion believes that the Sino -US film market is gradually decoupled; however, scholars of interviewees have analyzed that the reduction of American film imports has created a "hunger marketing effect". American films still have huge potential markets in China.Recovery, the Chinese and American film industry exchange materials will be recovered.

In February 2012, after the Chinese officials who were then vice chairman of China met in the United States, after the US Vice President Biden, China and the United States reached a memorandum of understanding of the understanding of WTO movie -related issues.China has clearly increased the quota that originally introduced about 20 American films each year, and the box office accounts in the United States have also increased from 13%to 25%.

The American film imported last year was less than 40 %

This memorandum was regarded as a breakthrough in the field of cooperation between the Sino -American film field by the outside world, and also opened the golden age of American films in China. However, today, 10 years later, the development of American films in China is no longer bright.

Over the past three years, the number of American films imported in China has continued to decline in the case of tight relations between China and the United States, intensified ideological differences, and the impact of the epidemic in the global film industry and Chinese film box office.

According to the US media reports, China imported only 25 American movies in 2021; compared to data from the US media industry analysis company COMSCORE, from 2012 to 2019American Movie.According to wealth magazines, the proportion of American films in all imported films in China also decreased significantly last year to 39%, and the ratio in 2020 and 2019 was 46%and 47%, respectively.

The sharp decline in imports in American films has caused discussions that the Sino -US film market has gradually decoupled and narrowed in the Sino -US film market in the past year.Starting last year, Spider -Man: Heroes and Dr. Legend of the Legend of the Tenth Ring Road, as well as the American blockbusters that have achieved good box office in the world in the world, can not enter the Chinese market.The increasingly tight review.

In the trailer of Zhuo Lingyun 2, the protagonist Tom Cruise's jacket has the sign of the "Republic of China National Flag". The Chinese official subsequently followed the movie "content that contains inappropriate display and the storyline does not meet the domestic market".Import the video.Dr. Strange 2 trailers appeared in the Epoch Times Times box, which was regarded by Chinese officials as an anti -China media under Falun Gong.

Central Propaganda Department: Persist in opening up and tolerate and actively introduce excellent civilized movies

China's supervision of American movies has also expanded to the category of film actors.According to US media reports, aimed at the Chinese market, and some of the reasons for Hong Kong actor Liang Chaowei and the 10th ring legend in China are part of the protagonist Liu Simu's speech that criticized Chinese policies.

Sun Yeli, deputy minister of the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Thursday (August 18) at the "Ten Years of China" series of theme press conferences, in response to Lianhe Zaobao's question about American film censorship, calling on American films to "respect cultural customs and cultural customs and"The audience has continued to improve the quality on the basis of the audience, and better meets the expectations of Chinese audiences to more diverse and higher -quality films.

But he emphasized that China's principles, positions and attitudes of Chinese and foreign film art exchanges are consistent. China always adheres to cultural diversity, opens open tolerance, and actively introduces good movies that reflect the outstanding civilization of the world."This is clear, and it will not change."

Some analysts believe that the fundamental reason for American films to gradually leave the Chinese market is that Chinese officials and American production plants no longer "go to two -way".On the one hand, the Chinese government has tightened the supervision; on the other hand, in the case of Chinese and Western ideological differences, and the overall box office of China's overall movie box office, the large American manufacturer attaches more importance to the market outside China and the cooperation of the Chinese review system for the China.So decline.

Rosen Stanley, a professor of politics and international relations at the University of Southern California, who studies Chinese politics and movies, accepted the Lianhe Morning Post to visit the Lianhe Morning Post, and held Spider -Man: Heroes and ambitions Lingyun 2 in the international market as an example.It is said that some American producers have realized that it is good to enter the Chinese market, but this is not absolutely necessary; and when they make content suitable for China, they may lose other markets, including local markets in North America.

Wu Changchang, an associate professor of the School of Communication of Shanghai East China Normal University, analyzed that the causes of reducing imports in American films are very complicated; it is related to the Sino -US trade war, ideological issues in American films, and some subject matter supervision issues.The question of Chinese censorship.

He said that China must have its own red line that regulates content. In the current environment, the censorship may be more and more red.However, the relevant departments must also face a more important fact when deleting the content of the movie: there is no film classification system in the mainland, and it can only consider the adaptation of the movie content from the largest convention.

But Wu Changchang believes that this does not mean that Chinese audiences will lose interest in Hollywood or Western movies. Instead, they may have the effect of hunger marketing and increase the expectations of Chinese audiences to foreign movies.

China used to be the most important overseas market in American movies.Yuan.

In response to the decoustration of the China -US film and television industry and cultural acceleration, Wu Changchang emphasized that "capital will not be allowed to be decoupled."China is still an attractive market for foreign producers. Once the Chinese film box office gradually recovers after the epidemic slows down, the exchange between the Chinese and American film industries is expected to slowly recover.

China must have the red line of its own supervision content. In the current environment, the censorship may be more and more red.However, the relevant departments must also face a more important fact when deleting the content of the movie: there is no film classification system in the mainland, and it can only consider the adaptation of the movie content from the largest convention.This does not mean that Chinese audiences will lose interest in Hollywood or Western movies. Instead, they may have the effect of hunger marketing and increase the expectations of Chinese audiences to foreign movies.

—— Wu Changchang, Associate Professor of the School of Communication, Shanghai East China Normal University